University of Bergen Library
Open science lunch

How to curate data for long-term use?

Join us for this Open Science Lunch to get an insight into considerations and challenges when curating data for long-term use, and how to ensure open, FAIR and reusable data.

Open Science Lunch logo: Plate with knife and fork
Open Science Lunch

Main content

About the topic

In this Open Science Lunch, the invited guests from two different disciplines will give us an introduction to how they work with long-term data curation. How can data be as open and FAIR as possible? What are challenges and considerations when curating data for long-term use, and how do you ensure that data is reusable over time? 

Camilla Hagen Blixhavn, Ingrid Reiten and Archana Golla (Data curators at EBRAINS) will discuss a data sharing workflow developed based on their experience with curating neuroscience data shared in the EBRAINS Research infrastructure. They will present the workflow’s phases, steps and roles and show how the workflow is implemented in EBRAINS. In short, researchers submit metadata and a data descriptor alongside the data, and curators review and validate this before integrating and making it discoverable in a data portal. Annotating research data with structured metadata in a knowledge graph makes sure it is linked to relevant research and is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).  

Anders Finstad (Professor at the Department of Natural History, NTNU and affiliated with the Norwegian node of GBIF) will talk about the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), which is an intergovernmental organization with the mission to provide open access to biodiversity data for anyone anywhere. He will also explain how and why open access to primary biodiversity data is of vital importance as an enabler of research to tackle global challenges related to the biodiversity crisis.  

Grab your matpakke and join us for the presentations from our special guests and for an open Q&A session afterwards!


How to join

The event is open to everybody and you can join online on Zoom (Zoom link here).