University of Bergen Library

Digital Culture

Main content

The library provides access to a wide range of books, papers, journal articles and other document types. These can easily be found by searching the discovery tool Oria. The search result includes both print and electronic media. It is also important to use other databases, to find updated, relevant information. You have access to all this also when you are off campus. If you have questions, send an e-mail to your librarian.


Academic writing

Writing is a necessary part of the study, and an important way to learn. What is the difference between a good and a bad paper? Part of the answer is that you must read and use literature to be able to write a good thesis. The library's collections and databases are there for you.

Library collections

By searching the library catalog Oria.no you find both e-books and paper books. After a search, you can choose only fulltext documents.

At the Art and humanities library you'll find the most important literature in digital culture, including the syllabus. The books in the library are arranged by disciplin, so books that are within the same disciplin stand together on the shelf. Within the disciplin books about the same subject are co-located. Each book has a number written on the back that determines where the book is placed on the library shelf. This is a so called Dewey number and the first numbers indicate the disciplin, while the next says something about the topic. You can also search in Oria on Dewey number, combined with words. You will also find e-books.

Computers - history: 004.09
Computers and women: 004.082
Computer games: 794.8 and 306.487
Digital culture / digital humanities: 001.30285
Digital Art: 776
Digital poetry: 802.85
Electronic literature: Collection in Oria
Academic writing: 808.066
   Litteraturreview: 808.066 and literature review
Information technology - impact on society: 303.4833
Programming languages 005.133
[Javascript] [Java]
Digital rhetoric: 808.00285
Social media: 302.231
Webdesign: 006.7
   Markup languages, among them HTML, CSS: 006.74


New books - Digital Culture

Collection of new books - not complete

Can’t find the book you’re looking for? Please send a book suggestion!


Databases and search engines

When you submit your thesis you will get a choice to make it available in BORA. Passed assignments will then be transferred to BORA. Send questions to bora@uib.no


Center for Digital Narrative (CDN)

This is humanities-driven research in electronic literature, games studies, digital culture, and computation to advance understanding of digital narrative. CDN is a Norwegian Centre of Research Excellence funded by the Norwegian Research Council from 2023-2033. CDN focuses on algorithmic narrativity, new environments and materialities, and shifting cultural contexts.

For electronic literature, the vision is to have one of the world's best book collections.

Publications from Machine Vision in Everyday Life project


Films and novels

Brodsky, I.T. (regi). (2016). Beware the Slenderman. New York: HBO

Brooker, C. (forfatter). (2016). Black Mirror. Los Gatos: Netflix

Lang, F. (regi). (1927). Metropolis. London: Eureka Entertainment

Nolan, J.,  Joy, L. & Gross, H.W. (forfattere). (2016): Westworld. New York: HBO

Spielberg, S. (regi). (2002). Minority Report. Los Angeles: Twentieth Century Fox

Stanton, A. (2008): Wall-E. Burbank: Walt Disney Pictures

Wachowski, A. & Wachowski, L. (regi). (1999): The Matrix. Burbank: Warner Brothers


Bradbury, R. (1953). Fahrenheit 451. New York: Ballantine.

Brodin, E. (2003). Sverm. Oslo: Aschehoug.

Cline, E. (2011). Ready Player One. Overs. Pål Stokka. Original publisering 2011. Kristiansund: Vendetta forlag.

Doctorow, C. (2009). Veslebror ser deg. Overs. Øystein Vidnes. Original publisering som Little Brother (2008). Oslo: Samlaget.

Eggers, D. (2013). The Circle. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Gibson, W. (1989). Nevromantiker. Overs. Torgrim Eggen. Original publisering 1984. Oslo: Aschehoug.

Huxley, A. (1948). Brave New World

Orwell, G. (1962). 1984. Overs. Trygve Width. Original publisering 1948. Oslo: Gyldendal.

Roth, V. (2013). Divergent. Overs. Torleif Sjøgren-Erichsen. Original publisering 2011. Oslo: Schibsted.

Suarez, D. (2009): Daemon. New York: Dutton.

Suarez, D. (2010): Freedom. New York: Dutton.