University of Bergen Library
University Library

General information about the Science and Technology Library

Welcome to the Science and Technology Library! Here you can find contact information, information about study spaces, and an overview about our services.

Chairs and working spaces at the science library
Ingunn Rødland / Caroline Armitage

Main content

We cover all subjects that belong to the Faculty of Science and Technology. You find an overview of printed and electronic recourses within your subject on our Subject Pages for chemistry, physics and technology, biology, molecular biology, geosciences, mathematics and computer science.

We have all curriculum material available in the library (Pensumsamlingen).

Finding literature

To find out what is available at the library, use the blue box at the top of this page to use our search engine, Oria. In Oria you can find and order printed or electronic material belonging to the University of Bergen or other Norwegian research libraries. Guidance for using Oria is available here.
You can find more information about searching, lending or and renewing your loans at the top of the page under ‘Using the Library’. Here you also find information about access and use of e-books.

We have all curriculum material available in the library (Pensumsamlingen).

If you cannot find the book you are looking for at UiB, you can suggest to your academic librarian that they purchase the book (find contact details on the relevant subject page). You can also order a loan from another library (free of charge). You will be notified when the book arrives.


The University Library offers access to over 16 000 academic journals. If we do not have online full text access to an important paper, you can order it through Oria and pick it up from the library within a few days.

We also provide access to scientific and subject specific databases. This includes Web of Science, one of the largest databases in science. Go to your subject page to find information about specific databases.

Reference management

We can offer support for different reference management software, e.g. EndNote and Zotero. Get in touch for help, or attend one of our courses! Check the calendar to get information about the next upcoming course.

A site license provided by the University Library allows University employees to download and install EndNote on their private computers. To install on UiB office computers, contact the IT department/use the software center.

Help, guidance and courses

For basic questions regarding access or loans, check the library webpages or contact us (contact information). For field-specific question we have academic librarians with master degrees or PhDs in natural sciences. At the bottom of each of the Subject Pages you can find contact information for the subject specialist in your field.

You can find more information for the writing process at the top of the page under ‘Using the Library’ and ‘Research and publish’. Students and employees can also ‘book a librarian’ and get individual help with information searching and guidance about how to locate relevant literature.

Open Science support services

The library offers various research support services and provides guidance and support and administers infrastructures for open access publishing and open access to research data. Please find more information in the menus‘ Research and publish’ and ‘Open Science’. There are regular courses on Open Science-related topics.

Contact us with any questions!


Kunnskapseplet is a series of popular science talks at the mathematics and natural sciences library which is arranged monthly. See the Kunnskapsepelet page for more information and the upcoming talks!