9. ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and her sisters
Rhododendron williamsianum crosses

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Rhododendron williamsianum is one of the most elegant Chinese species, a densely growing beauty with unique shiny leaves and pink bells appearing early in the season. Unfortunately, it is rather unpredictable in cultivation, but several good cultivars have appeared after crossing it with other species.
‘Rødhette’ (the Norwegian for ‘Little Red Riding Hood’) is a quite atypical representative of this group, being red- and late- flowered. Most of her sisters produce pink flowers in early May and the young shoots are bronze-coloured. This is particularly prominent in ‘Gartnerdirektor Glocker’. The dense mound-like growth form is best developed in ‘Vater Böhlje’ which is extremely hardy as well, but regrettably has rather pale, insignificant flowers. Moerheim’s Pink’ is one of the oldest pink-flowered cultivars and still one of the best and easiest of its kind, though a bit plain.
Rhododendron williamsianum cultivars need an open position to ensure optimal development and rich flowering. In colder regions they need snow protection. Their buds swell so early that they may be burnt by a late spring frost. They can, however, be forced into flower indoors.