26.The Cold Corner
Crosses of Rhododendron dauricum and R. minus
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In the attempt to create cultivars for the coldest regions in the USA, Rhododendron dauricum was crossed with R. minus. This was the beginning of some of the hardiest plants known in the genus. Even the flowers can withstand some frost, and the plants survive even in Alaska.
‘P.J.M.’ is the unusual name given to this cross, representing the initials of the breeder P. J. Mezitt. Various of the somewhat differing progeny were distributed from his nursery. Later, the best forms where selected and named, e.g. ‘Elite’, a particularly large-flowered variant.
Similar crosses have been made with other parents, and there now exists a whole series of cultivars varying from white via pink to violet in flower colour. They all like an open position with light, and can withstand bitter cold, wind, and drought.