The University Gardens

Photo competition 2021

The winners of the photo competition were announced at the autumn meeting of the friends of the Arboretum

Vinner 2021
The winning picture shows a beautiful scene from the 'Miniarboretet'.
Ewa Malek

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For the fourth year in a row, the Friends of the Arboretum held a photography competition. 151 photos were received from 58 photographers (with a maximum of 3 photos from each photographer). This was more than in previous years, so interest has clearly been growing. The competition is open to everyone, and entrance is free, but the photo must have been taken at Milde in the Arboretum or in the Bergen Botanical Garden and must be from the last two years, i.e. this year's submissions were taken in 2020 or 2021.

The winning photo was taken by Ewa Malek in the 'Miniarboretet'. It shows a beautiful scene with the bridge and the trees and the public who use the area for recreation. A great advertisement for the Arboretum.

The photo that came in 2nd place was taken by Saara Törrö and is a striking autumn composition from the pond at the alpine garden in the Botanical Garden.

Birte Agnete Hjellestad took the picture that came in 3rd place. The blades of grass in the foreground and the contrast to a calmer background give the excitement to this picture taken in the Japanese Garden. The insect is also an important element in the image.

Congratulations to the winners!