Research on insect-friendly outdoor furniture
Bergen Botanical Garden has received garden furniture with integrated insect hotels in order to research the insect diversity in such furniture.

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Furniture manufacturer Vestre has created a new series of outdoor furniture designed to preserve and increase biodiversity in our cities.
This furniture has been installed in the Bee Garden in the Bergen Botanical Garden in Milde. They are to be filled with tree trunks, branches, twigs and brush from the garden and park and form the basis for new life for insects, among other things.
Who moves into the furniture? How long does it take? What diversity do we see after one or two years? These are questions researchers in Bergen must find answers to.
We will research whether insect furniture has any effect. We will collect all life that uses the furniture, and with the help of DNA barcoding identify all the species to see if this is of any help for many different rare species, or if one species occupies all the rooms. In this way, we will find out if such housing assistance is the best thing we can do for our insects, or if we have to come up with something else.