The University Gardens
The Arboretum

Arboretum Day 2023

Velkommen til stort arrangement i en ramme av flott rhododendronblomstring.

Fra Arboretets dag 2014 ved Blondehuset.
Arboretum Day is a big event at Blondehuset (the Lace House).
Bjørn Moe

Main content

The program at the Lace House will take place according to the same reading as in previous years, designed especially for families with children.

At Blondehuset, various associations set up their own stands and get opportunities to present themselves. All associations have a local connection and/or nature as their theme.

From the stage at Blondehuset there will be a varied program of entertainment.
The activity trail for children is popular, with quizzes and various activities.

Associations, etc. which stands:

Activity trail for the children: We organize obstacle and entertainment runs for children. There will be cross-country skiing, balance sticks, guessing games, first aid and games where local associations contribute with their plans.

Everyone who walks the activity trail receives a medal, made of wood from the forest in the Arboretum.

Sales status:

Entertainment from the stage at the Lace House:
