
Department of Informatics

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Study with us at the Department of Informatics

Computer science is the science behind any software, from computer programs, mobile apps and games, to major IT systems, databases and web portals.

With a wide range of study programmes, competitive PhD positions and seven recognized research groups, you have many opportunities at the Department of Informatics at UiB. Graduates from us are highly sought after in the labor market, and we prepare our graduates for highly diverse careers in ICT, finance, media and academia. Did you start your computer science studies outside of Norway? We have several options for you to be a student of our department or to start a research career with us.

Learn more about our bachelor, master and PhD programmes or our exchange programmes.

Here you can find admission information on how to apply to the University of Bergen.

Marija Slavkovik ved Institutt for Informasjons- og medievitenskap

Socially Empowered AI Research – SEAIR expands the AI research horizon

”Since so much of AI research is driven by commercial forces, societal impact often becomes an afterthought, rather than something that has to be studied on a fundamental level”

Fedor Fomin sitting in chair in front of black board

"Even after years of research, you may have no idea where it will end up."

Professor of informatics Fedor Fomin explains what he does for a living and talks about the current challenges in algorithmic theory.

Artificial intelligence
Ung kvinnelig forsker i stol foran tavle

How can chaos be predicted?

Early in the morning on the 26th of December 1999, the people of France were shocked by two fatal storms. How did these massive cyclones take the meteorologists by surprise? And can machine learning aid weather forecasts of the future?

University democracy

Election of members to the department council at The Department of Informatics

In 2025, we are electing new representatives for the department council. Group A (permanent faculty), group B (temporary scientific positions), group C (administrative and technical staff) and group D (students) are encouraged to submit nominees now.

To forskere sitter ved en laptop og diskuterer.

Job vacancies

Job opportunities at The Department of Informatics.

Study With Us!

Learn more about our Bachelor, MasterPhD and Exchange programmes.

Find out how to apply to all our programmes.

the number one

Best ICT Institute in Norway

Rated by the Research Council of Norway in 2012

Best Master's Programme in Scientific and Technical Subjects

Rated by Studiebarometeret in 2015

Best Master's Programme in Information and Computer Technology

Rated by Studiebarometeret in 2016