Forskningsgruppe for kulturelt mangfold i samfunn og arbeidsliv


Ingrid Dundas is an Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology.

Dundas has been associated with the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bergen since 1993. She has been Head of the out-patient clinic for adults and the elderly during two periods and supervises clinical training, master-theses, and PhD-theses. She has specialized in psychodynamic therapy and mindfulness-based approaches.

Dundas is interested in how participants understand and make use of psychological interventions, and how professionals can be trained to assist them in this process. Her research includes quantitative and qualitative studies on student- and adolescent test-anxiety, healthy identities after sexual assault, therapist training, long-term effects of a mindfulness-based intervention for eating-disorder symptoms, and, since 2021: WHO’s “Problem Management plus” as a first line intervention for refugees in Norway.

Publications: https://wo.cristin.no/as/WebObjects/cristin.woa/wa/fres?action=sok&etternavn=Dundas&fornavn=Ingrid&sort=ar&bs=50
Web-page: https://www.uib.no/personer/Ingrid.Dundas