Forskningsgruppe for kulturelt mangfold i samfunn og arbeidsliv


Sandal G.M. Micro-lesson #30: Hiring for space missions with Professor Gro Sandal. In the series Inside the Mind of Champions with Jeremy Snipe., 2023 https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/micro-lesson-30-hiring-for-space-missions-with/id1498626216?i=1000579561923

Binder, P.E. Vi må tåle at de unge har ubehagelige følelser. Rådet for psykisk helse 2022. https://psykiskhelse.no/psykiskoppvekst/podkastepisode-8-identitet/

Harris, S.M. Hvordan møter leger flyktninger med psykiske lidelser? Stetoskopet- Tidsskriftets podcast. 2022. https://podcastaddict.com/stetoskopet-tidsskriftets-podkast/episode/138609042

Bye, H.H. Hva lært vi av flyktningkrise i 2015? Akademisk Lunch. 2022. https://soundcloud.com/bergenbibliotek/akademisk-luns-kva-laerte-vi-av-flyktningekrisa-i-2015

Sandal, G.M. Opt for Optimism. In the series Inside the Mind of Champions with Jeremy Snipe 2021. https://www.sportingedge.com/podcasts/opt-for-optimism/

Sandal, G.M. From Mandela to Mars: Lessons From isolation. In the series Inside the Mind of Champions by Jeremy Snipe, 2020 https://www.sportingedge.com/podcasts/episode-08.html

Sandal, G.M. Creating a High Performing Team - Stage 1. In the series Inside the mind of champions by Jeremy Snipe, 2020. https://www.sportingedge.com/podcasts/creating-a-high-performing-team-stage-1/

Sam, D.L. Shades of Multiculturalism. Intercultural Academy for Intercultural research. https://www.intercultural-academy.net/publications/podcasts.html#podcast-08-shades-of-multiculturalism-by-david-sam

Sandal, G.M. Astronautdraumen. UIB Pop Viten. 2019. https://uibpopviten.podbean.com/e/astronautdr%c3%b8mmen/