Sick leave
When you have absence due to your own illness, you are obliged to report to your immediate superior immediately. Get acquainted with routines, rights and duties that apply to sick leave
How to report?
1. Tell your superior
2. Report self-reported absence via the form "Absence/fravær" in HR-portalen
3. If you have sick leave, digital or paper:
- Paper: Part C and D are supplied filled and signed to the superior. Remember to fill out the self-declaration form. The unit must pass on the sick leave to the Serviceteam for absence and parental leave
- Digital: Must be sent to the employer via Ditt NAV's first day of absence. Application for sick benefits must be sent when you receive notification from NAV
Follow up
In the Employee manual you can read more about how you should be followed up under the item Sickness absence- Follow up
Your rights and duties
In the Employee manual you can read more about your right and duties as an emploee when you get an illness