The Faculty of Medicine is one of 7 faculties at the University of Bergen, and has about 1900 students. The Faculty consists of 5 departments, which provide the foundations for its teaching and research activities.
The Faculty of Medicine offers courses and degrees at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level.
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Ernæringskonferanse (Norsk Selskap for Klinisk Ernæring) i Oslo. Mer informasjon kommer senere
Doctoral education
The aim of the research program at the Faculty of Medicine (the PhD degree) is to qualify the candidate for research activities and other work requiring a high level of scientific insight within the Faculty's research fields.
The Faculty of Medicine also administers the dr.philos. degree, which is an independent degree without supervision and organised research training. The two degrees are considered equal in status.
Read more about our doctoral education.
Fakultetet i media
- Kiropraktikk er og skal være en del av det autoriserte helsevesenet
- Long-term patient-reported outcome for surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse: A retrospective cohort study
- Nye legemidler mot kortvoksthet
- Trygg kirurgi-sjekklisten er oppdatert og nye nasjonale faglige råd er publisert
- Multivariate patterns among multimodal neuroimaging and clinical, cognitive, and daily functioning characteristics in bipolar disorder