The BBB Seminars covers a broad spectrum of research areas within biomedicine. The speakers consist of local, national and international researchers suggested by colleagues at the Department of Biomedicine and Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO).
Location: Auditorium 4, 3rd floor, BBB, Jonas Lies vei 91.
The seminars are also part of a postgraduate course: BMED380.
Spring 2025
Thursday, January 16, 14:30 BBB seminar Tomonori Takeuchi, Aarhus University, Denmark Locus coeruleus and dopamine-dependent memory consolidation in the hippocampus Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, January 30, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Austin James Rayford, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen A conserved culprit: targeting dual AXL-mediated mechanisms of immunotherapy resistance in lung cancer patients Chairperson: Carina Strell, Department of Clinical Medicine |
Thursday, February 13, 14:30 BBB seminar Even Birkeland, Norwegian Institute of Public Health From multi-omics to better health – managing the biological data resource in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 20, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Eirik Malinen, University of Oslo Proton therapy - bridging cancer medicine and physics Chairperson: Carina Strell, Department of Clinical Medicine |
Thursday, March 13, 14:30 BBB seminar Ilaria Testa, SciLife/KTH, Sweden Caught in a moment: investigating the dynamics of proteins at the nanoscale Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 27, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Göran Karlsson, Lund University, Sweden Chairperson: Stein-Erik Gullaksen, CCBIO |
Thursday, April 10, 14:30 BBB seminar Felipe Opazo, University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany Strategies for imaging multiple targets using engineered nanobodies with erasable signals Chairperson: Petri Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 24, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Stein-Erik Gullaksen, University of Bergen Chairperson: Carina Strell, Department of Clinical Medicine |
Thursday, May 8, 14:30 BBB seminar Irina Gutsche, Institut de Biology Structurale, Grenoble, France Chairperson: Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 22, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Marcus Buschbeck, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain Mining the chromatin regulatory space for novel drug targets and combinations for the treatment of myeloid malignancies Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 5, 14:30. NB! Takes place at Armauer Hansens Hus BBB seminar Andreas Goetz, University of California, San Diego, USA Chairperson: Knut Teigen, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 12, 14:30. NB! Takes place at Armauer Hansens Hus CCBIO seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Autumn 2025 (preliminary)
Thursday, August 21, 14:30. BBB seminar Stephan Pless, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Chairperson: Valeriia Kalienkova, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, August 28, 14:30 CCBIO seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, September 11, 14:30 BBB seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, September 25, 14:30 CCBIO seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, October 16, 14:30 BBB seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, October 30, 14:30 CCBIO seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, November 13, 14:30 BBB seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, November 27, 14:30 CCBIO seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, December 4, 14:30 BBB seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, December 11, 14:30 CCBIO seminar TBD Chairperson: TBD |
Autumn 2024
Thursday, August 22, 14:30. NB! Takes place Auditorium 2 BBB seminar David Grellscheid, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen What's behind the ChatGPT hype? Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, August 29, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Mari Kyllesø Halle, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Decoding the landscape of cancer vulnerabilities in high-risk cervical cancer Chairperson: Stein-Erik Gullaksen, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, September 12, 14:30 BBB seminar Ingo Greger, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK Structure and regulation of AMPA glutamate receptor complexes Chairperson: Hongyu Zhang, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 26, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Marit Valla, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU Artificial intelligence: a revolution within medical image analysis Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, October 17, 14:30 BBB seminar Evandro Fei Fang, University of Oslo and Akershus University Hospital, Norway NAD+ and all the ‘A’s: ageing, Alzheimer’s disease, autophagy, AI, and an ‘A’ compound in brain health and longevity Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 31, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Karen Rosnes Gissum, Helse Bergen Navigating ovarian cancer complexities: a shared decision-making approach Chairperson: Carina Strell, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 7, 14:30 BBB seminar Ody Sibon, University of Groningen, the Netherlands From basic research in fruit flies to patients with impaired coenzyme A biosynthesis in less than 5 years Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 28, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Janine Erler, BRIC, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Targeting the metastatic niche Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, December 5, 14:30 NB! Takes place at Armauer Hansens Hus BBB seminar Siegfried Ussar, Helmholtz Munich, Germany Regulation of adipocyte hypertrophy and its impact on systemic metabolism Chairperson: Johan Fernø, Haukeland University Hospital |
Thursday, December 12, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Frances Balkwill, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, UK Cells are Us – experiences in science communication and public engagement Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Spring 2024
Thursday, January 18, 14:30 BBB seminar Michisuke Yuzaki, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan The C1q family synaptic organizers: Unlocking therapeutic potential for neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders Chairperson: Hongyu Zhang, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, January 25, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Vibeke Fosse, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Comparative oncology: a valuable model for cancer immunotherapy research Chairperson: Emmet McCormack, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, February 15, 14:30 BBB seminar Ron Wevers, Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands Untargeted metabolomics in body fluids and tissues - from the bench to the bedside Chairperson: Jan Haavik, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 22, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Diane Bielenberg, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital, USA Neuropilin-2 is immune suppressive during early stages of carcinogenesis Chairperson: Daniela Costea, Department of Clinical Medicine |
Thursday, March 14, 14:30 BBB seminar Oliver Billker, Umeå University, Sweden Genetic screens in a malaria parasite reveal the deadly secrets of a divergent eukaryote Chairperson: Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 21, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Mika Kontro, Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center, Finland Functional screening for precision medicine approaches in acute myeloid leukemia Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, April 11, 14:30 BBB seminar Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen 40 years in the black box - where studies of the interstitium in various conditions led me Chairperson: Olav Tenstad, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 25, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Ingvild Sandøy, Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health, University of Bergen Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health Chairperson: Roger Strand, Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities |
Thursday, May 23, 14:30 BBB seminar Karin Dedek, University of Oldenburg, Germany The sixth sense: neural circuitry in the retina for magnetoreception in migratory birds Chairperson: Meg Veruki, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 30, 14:30 CCBIO seminar - Cancelled! Antonio Curti, University of Bologna, Italy Driver mutations and immune microenvironment in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, June 6, 14:30 NB! Takes place in Grupperom 9A110BP BBB seminar Ylva Hellsten, University of Copenhagen, Denmark The influence of sex hormones on cardiovascular health and adaptations to exercise training Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 20, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Synnøve Yndestad, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Homology repair deficiency in breast cancer - lessons from the PETREMAC trial Chairperson: Carina Strell, CCBIO |
Autumn 2023
Thursday, August 17, 14:30 BBB seminar Hongyu Zhang, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Regulation of AMPA receptor diffusion trapping to reverse memory deficits in neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, August 31, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Juan Rodríguez Vita, Centro de Investigacíon Príncipe Felipe, Spain Hyaluronic acid is a master regulator of tumor stroma Chairperson: Line Bjørge, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, September 14, 14:30 BBB seminar Andreas Romaine, University of Oslo Cell surface receptors in the heart: triggering cardiac fibrosis and disease Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 28, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Oddbjørn Straume, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Predictive markers of response to immune checkpoint blockade in melanoma - experience from a randomized clinical trial Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 19, 14:30 BBB seminar Pawel Burkhardt, Michael Sars Centre at the University of Bergen The deep evolutionary origin(s) of neurons and nervous systems Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 26, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Arne Östman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Spatially enriched multi-marker human CAF-subsets linked to treatment response, prognosis, driver mutations, immune features and micro-niches Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 9, 14:30 BBB seminar Bradley Zuchero, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA Cell biology of myelin formation, dynamics, and disease Chairperson: Petri Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 23, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Christopher Elnan Kvistad, Haukeland University Hospital A brief history of the (failing) neural regeneration in the human central nervous system Chairperson: TBD |
Thursday, December 7, 14:30 BBB seminar Bente Sandvei Skeie, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Radiosensitization of radioresistant cancers Chairperson: Per Øyvind Enger, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 14, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Thomas Barker, University of Virginia, USA Targeting the Matrix in a matrix-centric disease: The holy grail of Fibrosis therapeutics? Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Spring 2023
Thursday, January 19. NB! 14:15 in Grupperom 9A110BP BBB seminar Christian Delles, School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health, Glasgow University, Scotland Salt, hypertension and heart failure: clinical observations and molecular links Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, January 26, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Early response evaluation by single cell signaling profiling in myeloid leukemia Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 9, 14:30 BBB seminar Dieter Henrik Heiland, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany Spatial resolved transcriptomics: current developments and outlook Chairperson: Frits Alan Thorsen, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 23, 14:30 - Cancelled! CCBIO seminar Lucy Yates, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK Chairperson: Carina Strell, CCBIO |
Thursday, March 16, 14:30 BBB seminar John Ladbury, University of Leeds, UK Receptor tyrosine kinases: different perspectives on signal transduction Chairperson: Jim Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 30, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Martin Götte, Münster University Hospital, Germany The multifunctional nature of Syndecan-1 in breast cancer Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 13, 14:30 BBB seminar Maria J Macias, Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Spain Structural insights into SMAD function Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 27, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Linda Lindström, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Breast cancer inter and intra-patient heterogeneity and long-term risk to develop distant metastatic disease Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, May 11, 14:30 BBB seminar Georg Pabst, University of Graz, Austria Membrane asymmetry: coupling lipid structural dynamics to protein function Chairperson: Markus Miettinen, Department of Chemistry |
Thursday, May 25, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Jianfeng Chen, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Control of lymphocyte homing by two-way tuning of integrin activation Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 1, 14:30 BBB seminar Axel Brakhage, Hans-Knöll-Institute (HKI), Germany Fungal immune evasion, extracellular vesicles and host-pathogen interactions - new concepts for therapy Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 15, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Tuula Salo, University of Helsinki, Finland Personalized oral cancer treatment assays Chairperson: Daniela Costea, Department of Clinical Medicine |
Autumn 2022
Thursday, August 18, 14:30 BBB seminar Sarah-Maria Fendt, Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Regulation, VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology, Leuven, Belgium Metabolic rewiring driving metastasis formation Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, August 25, NB! 13:00 at Armauer Hansens Hus CCBIO seminar Carina Strell, Therese Sørlie, Solveig Hofvind, followed by plenary discussions Start up seminar for Carina Strell: Perspectives on early breast cancer – molecular biology and epidemiology Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, September 1, 14:30 BBB seminar Henriette Christie Ertsås, Forskning Til Folket / Science To the People Of course you would never publish in a predatory journal… or would you? Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 8, 14:30 BBB seminar Petter Frost, The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board Why and how Bioteknologirådet brings societal and ethical questions of bioscience to the general public Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 15, 14:30 BBB seminar Sushma Nagaraja Grellscheid, Department of Biosciences and Department of Informatics, University of Bergen ELIXIR Norway - Building a data infrastructure for life sciences and biomedical research Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 22, 14:30 - Postponed CCBIO seminar Speaker yet to be decided by CCBIO |
Thursday, September 29, 14:30 BBB seminar Helena Erlandsson Harris, Broegelmann Research Laboratory, University of Bergen The alarmin HMGB1, inflammation and arthritis – immunoprofiling and molecular studies Chairperson: Silke Appel, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, October 6, 14:30 BBB/NBS seminar Henriette Aksnes, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Membrane protein modifications in neurodegenerative disease Chairperson: Svein Isungset Støve, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 20, 14:30 BBB seminar Linda Sandblad, Umeå University, Sweden Cryo-electron microscopy methods to explore the nano-universe of cells and molecules Chairperson: Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 27, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz, Department of Radiooncology and Radiotherapy, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Advanced animal-free preclinical models for head and neck cancer Chairperson: Daniela Costea, Department of Clinical Medicine |
Thursday, November 3, 14:30 BBB seminar Juan Antonio Vizcaino, EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, UK Benefits of open science practices in proteomics and challenges arising from clinical datasets Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 10, 14:30 BBB seminar Charalampos Tzoulis, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen NAD replenishment therapy in Parkinson’s disease: A New Hope? Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 17, 14:30 BBB seminar Jonathan Whitlock, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU Cortical representation of 3D posture and behavior in posterior parietal cortex and beyond Chairperson: Bolek Srebro, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 24, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine and CCBIO, University of Bergen Advances in fibroblast biology |
Thursday, December 1, 14:30 BBB seminar Markus Miettinen, Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen High-fidelity biomolecular modelling Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 8, 14:30 BBB seminar Antonino Cattaneo, Scuola Normale Superior, Pisa, Italy An intrabody platform for conformational-selective and post-translational-specific interference in neurodegeneration Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 15, 14:30 CCBIO seminar Tim Coorens, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Using somatic mutations to reconstruct the life histories of normal and cancer cells Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad, Department of Clinical Science |
Spring 2022
Thursday, January 20 - postponed CCBIO seminar Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine and CCBIO, University of Bergen α11β1, a mesenchymal collagen-binding integrin with a central role in tissue- and tumor fibrosis |
Thursday, January 27, NB! 15:30 BBB seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Mandana Hunter, Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research (CNDR), Institute on Aging, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Implications of the central nervous system immune response in a mouse model of sporadic ALS and other TDP-43 proteinopathies Chairperson: James Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 3, 14:30 BBB seminar Daniel Chourrout, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen Area of genomic turbulence near vertebrates Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 10, 14:30 BBB seminar - Zoom Video Webinar João Conde, Lab for Cancer NanoMedicine, NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal Why going nano in cancer healthcare? Chairperson: Adam Truskewycz, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 17, 14:30 CCBIO seminar - in person and on Zoom Kaisa Lehti, Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim Crosstalk of desmoplastic tumor microenvironment and ovarian cancer in metastasis and therapy resistance Chairperson: Line Bjørge, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 24, 14:30 BBB seminar Rajan Gogna, Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen, Denmark Tumor cells gain competitive advantage by actively reducing the cellular fitness of microenvironment cells Chairperson: Frits Alan Thorsen, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 3, 14:30 BBB seminar Herwig Schüler, Center for Molecular Protein Science, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden A brief history of ADP-ribosylation Chairperson: Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 10, 14:30 BBB seminar Nathalie Reuter, Department of Chemistry, and Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen Life at the periphery: molecular simulations of protein-membrane encounters Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 17, 14:30 BBB seminar Jason D. Shepherd, Departments of Neurobiology, Biochemistry, and Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA Virus-like intercellular communication in the nervous system Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 24, 14:30 BBB seminar Joan Chang, Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, Division of Cell Matrix Biology and Regenerative Medicine, University of Manchester, UK The circadian endosome and collagen-I fibrillogenesis Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 31, NB! 12:30 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Webinar Shin Kaneko, Department of Cell Growth and Differentiation, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University, Kyoto City, Japan iPSC-based killer cell regeneration for cancer immunotherapy Chairperson: James Lorens, CCBIO |
Thursday, April 7, 14:30 BBB seminar Christine Sers, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Pathology, Germany Targeting oncogenic signaling in colorectal cancer Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 21, 14:30 BBB seminar Ehmke Pohl, Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biosciences, Durham University, UK Fantastic enzymes and where to find them Chairperson: Petri Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 28, NB! 13:00 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Webinar Therese Sørlie, Department of Cancer Genetics, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo FGFR1 in hormone receptor positive breast cancer Chairperson: Lars Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, May 5, 14:30 BBB seminar Clifford Kentros, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim Genetic interrogation of the neural circuitry of memory Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 12, 14:30 BBB seminar Olga Therese Ousdal, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen How the environment impacts the developmental trajectories of limbic brain regions Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 19, 14:30 BBB seminar Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine and CCBIO, University of Bergen α11β1, a mesenchymal collagen-binding integrin with a central role in tissue- and tumor fibrosis |
Thursday, June 2, 14:30 BBB seminar Manfred Jung, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Chemical epigenetics - targeting reversible histone acetylation Chairperson: Jan Haavik, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 9, 14:30 BBB seminar Hani Goodarzi, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Revealing the regulatory code underlying pathological regulation of RNA dynamics in metastasis Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Monday, June 13, 13:00 NB! Different day, time and location CCBIO seminar Torsten O. Nielsen, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada Breast cancer biomarker development: intrinsic subtypes, Ki67 and proteomics Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Autumn 2021
Thursday, August 26, 14.30 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Hege F. Berg, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Endometrial cancer model systems to improve treatment Chairperson: Harsh Nitin Dongre, CCBIO |
Thursday, September 2, 14.30 BBB seminar - Auditorium 2 and as Zoom Video Webinar Johan Björkegren, Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Institute of Genomics and Multiscale Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA, and Integrated Cardio Metabolic Centre, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden An integrated systems network approach reveals major adipose-to-liver endocrine signalling in cardiometabolic and coronary artery disease Chairperson: Tom Michoel, CBU, Department of Informatics |
Thursday, September 9, 14.30 BBB and NBS seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Fergal Michael O'Farrell, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen Using Drosophila to model cancer development Chairperson: Gro Vatne Røsland, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 16, 14.30 BBB seminar - Auditorium 1 and as Zoom Video Webinar Kjetil Vikene, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of Bergen Drum-therapy in Parkinson's disease: Perspectives on neurology, cognition and quality-of-life Chairperson: Lin Sørensen, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology |
Thursday, September 23, 14.30 BBB seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Johannes A. Eble, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, University of Münster, Germany Integrins are redox-regulated predominantly via a thiol-switch within the hinge region Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 30, 14.30 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Emmet Mc Cormack, Department of Clinical Science and CCBIO, University of Bergen Imaging preclinical tumour models: improving translational power Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, CCBIO |
Thursday, October 7, 14.30 BBB seminar - Auditorium 1 and as Zoom Video Webinar Tom Michoel, Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen From descriptive to predictive biology: learning causes and effects from multi-omics data Chairperson: Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 14, 14.30 BBB seminar - Auditorium 1 Timm Schubert, Institute for Ophthalmic Research and Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, University of Tübingen, Germany Synaptic integration in neurons of the outer retina: different synaptic sites for global feedforward and local feedback signaling Chairperson: Meg Veruki, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 21, 14.30 BBB seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Michael Rosen, Department of Biophysics and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA Cellular organization through liquid-liquid phase separation Chairperson: James B. Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 28, 14.30 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Sebastian Marwitz, Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Lung Center, Borstel, Germany A pathway and spatial biology approach to non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 4, 14.30 BBB seminar - Auditorium 1 Thomas Daubon, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Genetics, CNRS, University Bordeaux, France Glioblastoma metabolic symbiosis: When lactate takes the lead Chairperson: Gro Vatne Røsland, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 11, 14.30 BBB seminar - Auditorium 1 Simona Chera, Center for Diabetes Research, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Mapping cell identity shifts in the adult pancreatic islet Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 18, 14.30 BBB seminar - Auditorium 1 Trygve Hausken, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen Microbiota and fecal microbiota transplantation Chairperson: Gro Vatne Røsland, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 25, 14.30 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Emily N. Arner, Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA AXL-TBK1-driven nuclear AKT3 stabilizes Snail/Slug to promote EMT Chairperson: James Lorens, CCBIO |
Thursday, December 2, NB! 17.00 BBB seminar - Zoom Video Webinar David Baker, Institute for Protein Design, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA The coming of age of de novo protein design Chairperson: Beate Stern, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 9, 14.30 BBB seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, A.I. Virtanen Institute, University of Eastern Finland, and Gene Therapy Unit and Science Service Center, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland Gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases – From bench to bedside Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 16, 14.30 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Eystein Jansen, Department of Earth Science and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR), University of Bergen Climate research in Bergen - Strategic choices and challenges that paved the way Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Spring 2021
Thursday, January 28, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Arne Östman, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), University of Bergen Cancer-associated fibroblasts; novel subsets associated with tumor biology features, outcome and response to treatment Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 4 BBB webinar - NB! Cancelled Stein Ove Døskeland, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Cyclic AMP signaling, with emphasis on the role of Epac (RapGef 3,4,2) in Epac KO mice Chairperson: Marit Bakke, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 11, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Piotr Mateusz Mydel, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Carbamylation as a modulator of the immune response Chairperson: Silke Appel, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, February 18, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Bruce J. Mayer, Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA Using phosphotyrosine binding domains to interrogate the state of cell signaling Chairperson: James Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 25, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Mark LaBarge, Department of Population Sciences, Beckman Research Institute at City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA Epigenetic priming in mammary epithelia underlies susceptibility to age-related cancers: causes, consequences, and countermeasures Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen, CCBIO |
Thursday, March 4, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Eivind Valen, Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, and Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen Starting your message – tracking the dynamics of translation initiation Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 11, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Arnaud Mourier, Institute of Cellular Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Bordeaux, and French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Bordeaux, France Malate dehydrogenase 2 (MDH2) is a metabolic switch rewiring the fuelling of respiratory chain and TCA cycle Chairperson: Gro Vatne Røsland, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 18, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Terje Johansen, Department of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø CALCOCO1: A novel soluble ER-phagy and Golgiphagy receptor Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 25, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Randolph Watnick, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital, and Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Identification of a novel paracrine acting stimulator of tumor growth and progression via modulation of Tsp-1 in the tumor microenvironment Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, April 8, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Kathrin Thedieck, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Stress granule proteins meet TSC-mTOR signaling: an unexpected mechanism of lysosomal TSC tethering Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 15, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Carolyn E. Machamer, Department of Cell Biology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Assembly and egress of coronaviruses Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 22, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Knut Tomas Dalen, Department of Nutrition and Norwegian Transgenic Center, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo Lipid droplets and transgenic animals Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 29, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Ian Mills, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, and Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, UK Non-oncogene addiction and the stress phenotype of prostate cancer cells Chairperson: Karl-Henning Kalland, CCBIO |
Thursday, May 6, NB! 14.00 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Lionel Christiaen, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, and Department of Biology, New York University, NY, USA An extended central dogma for developmental cellular systems Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 20, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Nicola Wilck, Experimental and Clinical Research Center, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany Gut microbiota, inflammation and hypertension. How could this be connected? Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 27, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Ellen Puré, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Flanking solid tumors via immune-mediated disruption of desmoplastic stroma Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 3, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Harald Barsnes, Department of Biomedicine, and Computational Biology Unit (CBU), Department of Informatics, University of Bergen How to welcome the new era of public research data? Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 10, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Andrew Leask, College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Canada Microenvironmental control of fibrosis: a central role for the CCN family of matricellular proteins Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 17, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Malcolm Walkinshaw, Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK Drug discovery, allostery and evolution in trypanosomatid parasites Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Autumn 2020
Thursday, August 20, 14.30 BBB webinar Therese Sørlie, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo Breast cancer molecular subtypes and phenotypes in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Chairperson: Gro Vatne Røsland, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, August 27, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Ritva Heljasvaara, Oulu Center for Cell-Matrix Research, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland, and Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), University of Bergen Novel roles of collagens and α11 integrin in solid cancers Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, September 3, 14.30 BBB seminar Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine and Molecular Imaging Center, University of Bergen Getting to know an old "enemy": The life cycle of coronavirus Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 10, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Rebecca Jane Cox, Influenza Centre, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen COVID-19 in the community and health care system in Bergen Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 17, 14.30 BBB webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Eva Gerdts, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Heart disease in women Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 24, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Joyce Bischoff, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Endothelial anomalies in vascular tumors and vascular malformations Chairperson: Reidunn Jetne Edelmann, CCBIO |
Thursday, October 1, 14.30 BBB seminar - in Auditorium 2 and on Zoom Stian Knappskog, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Genomic evolution of breast cancer Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 8, 14.30 BBB seminar - in Auditorium 2 and on Zoom Patrick R. H. Steinmetz, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen Sea anemones and the evolution of animal digestion and nutrient homeostasis Chairperson: Karl Johan Tronstad, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 15, 14.30 BBB seminar - in Auditorium 1 and on Zoom Petri Kursula, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Myelin – a living crystal? Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 22, 14.30 BBB seminar - in Auditorium 2 and on Zoom Clive R. Bramham, Department of Biomedicine and K.G. Jebsen Centre for Neuropsychiatric Disorders, University of Bergen Arc as a master regulator of synaptic plasticity: toward a molecular understanding of how the brain works Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 29, 14.30 BBB webinar - in Auditorium 2 and on Zoom Bjarne Bogen, Department of Immunology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, and Oslo University Hospital Novel vaccines against infectious diseases and cancer (Vaccibodies) Chairperson: Hrvoje Miletic, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 5, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Huocong Huang, Department of Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA Heterogeneity of cancer-associated fibroblasts in pancreatic cancer Chairperson: James B. Lorens, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 12, 14.30 BBB seminar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Silje Skrede, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, and Section of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen Metabolic adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs Chairperson: Silke Appel, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, November 19 BBB seminar - POSTPONED Stein Ove Døskeland, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Cyclic AMP signaling, with emphasis on the role of Epac (RapGef 3,4,2) in Epac KO mice Chairperson: Frode Selheim, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 26, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Frédéric Amant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospitals Leuven, and Department of Oncology, KU Leuven, Belgium Exploiting patient-derived preclinical models to identify biomarkers of therapy response/resistance in high-grade gynecological cancers Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad, CCBIO |
Thursday, December 3, 14.30 BBB seminar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Hua Hu, Division of Physiology, Department of Molecular Medicine, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo Reverse engineering a cortical inhibitory interneuron axon Chairperson: Clive R. Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 10, 14.30 BBB seminar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Evandro Fei Fang, Department of Clinical Molecular Biology, University of Oslo Targeting on the NAD+-mitophagy/autophagy axis for Alzheimer’s disease and healthy longevity Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 17, 14.30 CCBIO webinar - NB! only as Zoom Video Webinar Jean Paul Thiery, Bioland Laboratory, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China, and Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), University of Bergen Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in carcinoma; therapeutic intervention Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen, CCBIO |
Spring 2020
Thursday, January 30, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Johannes A. Eble, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, University of Münster, Germany Beating around the bush, yet hitting the point: CAFs and vasculogenic mimicry vessels as anticancer targets Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 6, 14.30 BBB seminar Christina Hultman, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Genetic risk factors and mechanisms for schizophrenia Chairperson: Jan Haavik, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 13, 14.30 BBB seminar Pål Rasmus Njølstad, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Precision medicine goes to the diabetes clinics Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 20, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Rameen Beroukhim, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Ancestry-associated features in cancer Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 27, 14.30 BBB seminar Bjørn Steen Skålhegg, Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo Ablation of PKA-Cβ2 subunit in mice curtails progression of breast adenocarcinoma and turns "cold" tumor "hot" Chairperson: Linda Elin Birkhaug Stuhr, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 5, 14.30 BBB seminar Cary O. Harding, Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, USA Investigations into the pathophysiology of phenylketonuria (PKU): monoamine neurotransmitter deficiency, cognitive and behavioral deficits in murine PKU Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 12 BBB seminar - Postponed Bruce J. Mayer, Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA Using phosphotyrosine binding domains to interrogate the state of cell signaling Chairperson: James Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 19 CCBIO seminar - Postponed Akinyemi I. Ojesina, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA Microbes and mutations in cancer: not-so-strange bedfellows Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad, CCBIO |
Thursday, March 26 BBB seminar - Postponed Patrick Steinmetz, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen Sea anemones and the evolution of digestion and nutrient homeostasis Chairperson: Karl Johan Tronstad, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 2 BBB seminar - Postponed Jian Wang, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Chairperson: Frits Alan Thorsen, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 16 BBB seminar - Postponed Stian Knappskog, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Genomic evolution of breast cancer Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 23 BBB seminar - Postponed Malcolm Walkinshaw, Institute of Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Edinburgh, UK Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 30 - No seminar |
Thursday, May 7 BBB seminar - Postponed Jason Shepherd, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 14 BBB seminar - Postponed Peppi Karppinen, Biocenter Oulu and Oulu Center for Cell-Matrix Research, University of Oulu, Finland Chairperson: Petri Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 28, 10.00 - NB! Time CCBIO seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Jianfeng Chen, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China Regulation of immune cell trafficking by extracellular microenvironment Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 4 BBB seminar - Postponed Hani Goodarzi, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 11, 14.30 CCBIO seminar - Zoom Video Webinar Biaoyang Lin, Zhejiang-California International Nanosystems Institute (ZCNI), Proprium Research Center, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, and Department of Urology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA Critical roles of Chitinase 3-like 1 (CHI3L1) in inflammation, fibrosis and cancer and the transformation from bench to bedside Chairperson: Karl-Henning Kalland, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 18 BBB seminar - Postponed Robert Singer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, and Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, USA Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Autumn 2019
Thursday, August 22, 14.30 BBB seminar Hiroyuki Okuno, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Kagoshima University School of Medicine, Kagoshima, Japan Role of Arc/arg3.1 in regulation of AMPA receptor dynamics and in behavioral flexibility Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, August 29, 14.30 BBB seminar Wendy Maury, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA The role of the phosphatidylserine receptor, TIM-1, in Ebola virus infection Chairperson: James Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 5, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Sushma-Nagaraja Grellscheid, Computational Biology Unit (CBU), Department of Informatics, and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen Understanding alternative splicing regulation in health and disease Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen, CCBIO |
Thursday, September 12, 14.30 BBB seminar Akihiko Nakano, Live Cell Super-Resolution Imaging Research Team, RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Wako, and Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan State-of-the-art live cell imaging at high-speed and super-resolution - A dream to see real vesicular trafficking has come true Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 19, 14.30 BBB seminar Trond Vidar Hansen, Section of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Pharmacy, University of Oslo Biosynthesis, bioactions and biomedical applications of the protectins Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 26, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Karl Kadler, Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, University of Manchester, UK Circadian control of the secretory pathway is a central mechanism in tissue homeostasis Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, October 3, 14.30 BBB seminar Bente Gunnveig Berg, Chemosensory Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Odor coding strategies: Findings from a small insect brain Chairperson: Boleslaw Srebro, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 10, 14.30 - NB! Auditorium 2 BBB seminar and Biokjemisk Kollokvium (NBS, Bergen Division) Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Department of Biological Engineering and Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA Systems biology analysis of cancer drug resistance and therapeutic combinations: Attention to tumor-extrinsic mechanisms Chairperson: James Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Monday, October 14, 14.15, Big Auditorium HUS - NB! Day, time, venue Special seminar Bruce Zetter, Vascular Biology Program and Department of Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA RNA as a tool for cancer therapy |
Thursday, October 24, 14.30 BBB seminar Per Øyvind Enger, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Synthetic sulfasalazine-analogues to overcome radio-resistance in cancer Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 31, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Daniela Elena Costea, The Gade Laboratory for Pathology, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen My sabbatical year at the University of California, San Diego: Conditional expression of HPV16 E6/E7 onco-proteins and PIK3CA is sufficient to initiate HPV-associated carcinogenesis Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 7, 14.30 BBB seminar Iain Johnston, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen Dynamic cellular populations of mitochondrial DNA in health and disease Chairperson: Karl Johan Tronstad, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 14, 14.30 BBB seminar Janna Saarela, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, University of Oslo Genetic immune disorders - From bedside to bench and back Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 21, 14.30 BBB seminar Timothy Lynagh, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen Phylogenetics and an expanded genetic code uncover determinants of proton-sensing, ion conduction and NSAID sensitivity in acid-sensing ion channels Chairperson: Meg Veruki, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 28, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Curzio Rüegg, Department of Oncology, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Chemotherapy-induced immunological dormancy in breast cancer Chairperson: Oddbjørn Straume, CCBIO |
Thursday, December 5, 14.30 BBB seminar Ivan Ahel, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, UK ADP-ribosylation signalling in regulation of genome stability Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 12, 14.30 - NB! Birkhaugsalen, HUS CCBIO seminar Anders Goksøyr, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen From feminized fish to obese mice: On endocrine and metabolic disruption in wildlife (and the lab) Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, December 19, 14.30 BBB seminar Susanna Röblitz, Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen From mechanistic modelling to clinical decision support: A case study from reproductive endocrinology Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Spring 2019
Thursday, January 17, 14.30 BBB seminar Anders Goksøyr, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen dCod 1.0: Decoding the systems toxicology of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, January 24, 14.30 BBB seminar Anagha Joshi, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Bioinformatic approaches towards mammalian transcription and epigenetic regulation Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, January 31, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Cord Brakebusch, Biotech Research and Innovation Center (BRIC), University of Copenhagen, Denmark Epigenetic control of skin inflammation Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 7, 14.30 BBB seminar Siver Andreas Mostue, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, Trondheim Choline-derived metabolites as NMR-visible biomarkers in breast cancer Chairperson: Linda Elin Birkhaug Stuhr, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 14, 14.30 BBB seminar Alexander Schug, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Jülich, Germany Using the computer as a lab: From biomolecular simulations to simulating cancer Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 21, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Diane R. Bielenberg, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Targeting neuropilin pathways to inhibit metastasis Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 28 - No seminar |
Thursday, March 7, 14.30 BBB seminar Frank Nilsen, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen Salmon louse: Host recognition and immunomodulation Chairperson: Anders Goksøyr, Department of Biological Sciences |
Thursday, March 14, 14.30 BBB seminar Thomas Wilkie, Department of Pharmacology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA Gq-RGS signaling in caloric restriction and pancreatic cancer Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 21, 14.30 BBB seminar Jane E. Johnson, Department of Neuroscience, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA Transcriptional control of neural development and cancer Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 28, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Gaoxiang Ge, State Key Laboratory of Cell Biology, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China Extracellular matrix remodeling in tissue homeostasis and disease Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, April 4, 14.30 BBB seminar Beat Thöny, Division of Metabolism, University Children's Hospital Zurich and Neuroscience Center Zurich, Switzerland Non-viral gene therapy for liver (metabolic) defects Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 11, 14.30 BBB seminar Bonnie Wallace, Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK Molecular mechanisms of voltage-gated sodium channels in health and disease Chairperson: Petri Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Friday, April 12, 13.00 - NB! Day and time BBB "extra" seminar Erik Wong, EW Consulting, Innovation and Program Development, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Frontiers in biological psychiatry research – opportunities for intervention vs. optimization Chairperson: Kenneth Hugdahl, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology |
Thursday, April 25, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Øystein Rekdal, Lytix Biopharma AS, Oslo, and Department of Medical Biology, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø From bench to bedside with a first in class oncolytic peptide Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, CCBIO |
Thursday, May 2, 14.30 BBB seminar Anne Eichmann, Cardiovascular Research Center and Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA, and INSERM, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, France Guidance of vascular barrier formation Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 9, 14.30 BBB seminar Cory M. Hogaboam, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA TAM'ing the inflammatory and remodeling responses in chronic lung disease Chairperson: James B. Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 16, 14.30 BBB seminar Jonathan Wisor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University, Spokane, WA, USA Measuring and mitigating the impact of oxidative stress in the sleep deprived brain Chairperson: Janne Grønli, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology |
Thursday, May 23, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Valerie M. Weaver, Center for Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration, Department of Surgery, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), CA, USA Forcing tumor risk, transformation and aggression Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 6, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Joanna J. Phillips, Brain Tumor Research Center, Department of Neurological Surgery, Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), CA, USA GBM heterogeneity and extracellular regulation of oncogenic signaling Chairperson: Marion Kusche-Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 13, 14.30 BBB seminar Angela M. Gronenborn, Department of Structural Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Allosteric regulation of the insulin-responsive sensor in the mammalian sirtuin SIRT1 Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, June 20, 14.30 BBB seminar Antonio Marchini, Laboratory of Oncolytic-Virus-Immuno-Therapeutics (LOVIT), Luxembourg Institute of Health, Strassen, Luxembourg, and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany Oncolytic H-1 parvovirus as a cancer killing agent: past, present and future Chairperson: Hrvoje Miletic, Department of Biomedicine |
Autumn 2018
Thursday, August 23, 14.30 BBB seminar Bruce C. Baguley, Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand What can freshly cultured cancer cells tell us about human cancer behaviour? Chairperson: James B. Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Tuesday, August 28, 14.30 - NB! Day BBB "extra" seminar Mandar S. Jog, Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences, Western University, London, ON, Canada New innovations on the treatment of movement disorders: From tremor to gait failure Chairperson: Charalampos Tzoulis, Department of Clinical Medicine |
Thursday, August 30, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Edna Cukierman, Department of Cancer Biology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA Oncogenic synapses; stromal regulators of pancreatic cancer, metabolic support and innate immunosuppression Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, September 6, 14.30 - NB! Auditorium 2 BBB seminar Paul Rainey, Department of Microbial Population Biology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany and Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI ParisTech), PSL Research University, Paris, France Exploring the limits of evolutionary forecasting Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 13, 14.30 BBB seminar Pawel Burkhardt, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen Reconstructing the evolutionary origin of synapses and neurons Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 20, 14.30 BBB seminar Cecilie Bredrup, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen Corneal neovascularisation and skin inflammation – what can rare hereditary conditions teach us? Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 27, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Staffan Strömblad, Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden Novel cell-matrix adhesion structures Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Thursday, October 4 BBB seminar Daan van Aalten, Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, and Institute for Precision Medicine, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China X-linked intellectual disability mutations in O-GlcNAc transferase Chairperson: Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 11, 14.30 BBB seminar Geir Christensen, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo Heart failure and cardiac extracellular matrix: Role of proteoglycans Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 18, 14.30 BBB seminar Sonia Correa, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of Bradford, UK The temporal dynamics of Arc expression regulate synaptic plasticity and learning behaviour Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 25, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Arne Östman, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Prognostic and response-predictive potential of tumor-stroma cell subset Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 1, 14.30 BBB seminar Gunnar Mellgren, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Homeoproteins in adipose tissue and obesity Chairperson: Johan Fernø, Department of Clinical Science |
Thursday, November 8, 14.30 BBB seminar Karl Johan Tronstad, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Tracing defects in cellular metabolism Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 15, 14.30 BBB seminar Vilhelm A. Bohr, Laboratory of Molecular Gerontology, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA DNA damage signaling to mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegeneration and aging Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 22, 14.30 BBB seminar Emre Yaksi and Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU, Trondheim 1) Studying the function and connectivity of neural networks in zebrafish brain 2) The function of motile cilia in ventricular flow and brain development Chairperson: Boleslaw Srebro, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 29, 13.30 - NB! Time CCBIO seminar Frédéric Amant, Center for Gynecologic Oncology, Netherlands Cancer Institute and Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cancer during pregnancy: a multidisciplinary approach in an INCIP research setting Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik, CCBIO |
Thursday, December 6, 14.30 BBB seminar Karl Lenhard Rudolph, Research Group on Stem Cell Aging, Leibniz Institute on Aging, Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI), Jena, Germany Epigenetic mechanisms of stem cell aging Chairperson: Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine |
Monday, December 10, 14.30 - NB! Day / Seminar room 9th floor, BBB BBB "extra" seminar Margaret Stratton, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA Unraveling the complexity of CaMKII activation Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 13, 14.30 - NB! Birkhaugsalen, HUS CCBIO seminar Cédric Zeltz, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network (UHN), Toronto, ON, Canada Importance of the tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer: Examples of stromal proteins as potential therapeutical targets Chairperson: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO |
Monday, December 17, 14.30 - NB! Day / Seminar room 9th floor, BBB BBB "extra" seminar Carol MacKintosh, Division of Cell and Developmental Biology, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK A 14-3-3 regulated signalling network linking diabetes and Alzheimer's disease Chairperson: Jan Haavik, Department of Biomedicine |
Spring 2018
Thursday, January 18, 14.30 BBB seminar Priscilla K. Brastianos, Divisions of Neuro-Oncology and Hematology and Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Shifting paradigms in primary and metastatic brain tumors: Unleashing the power of genomics to clinical care Chairperson: Frits Alan Thorsen, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, January 25, 14.30 BBB seminar Jan Terje Andersen, Department of Immunology, Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet and Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo Pimping molecules for better performance Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 1, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Lessons from a black box – The extracellular microenvironment and lymphatics in malignant tissue Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, February 8 - Cancelled! BBB seminar Paul B. Rainey, Department of Microbial Population Biology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany and Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI ParisTech), PSL Research University, Paris, France Exploring the limits of evolutionary forecasting Chairperson: Nils Halberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 15 - Cancelled! BBB seminar Mihaela Roxana Cimpan, Department of Clinical Dentistry, University of Bergen Nanotoxicology: current status and challenges Chairperson: Ellen Berggreen, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, February 22, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Ole Frithjof Norheim, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Global Health Priorities, University of Bergen Can biomarkers improve priority setting for new, expensive cancer drugs? Chairperson: Roger Strand, CCBIO |
Thursday, March 1, 14.30 BBB seminar Linda Elin Birkhaug Stuhr, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Targeting hypoxia in breast cancer and radiation injury Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 8, 14.30 BBB seminar Michael John Davis, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO, USA The conduction and coordination of propulsive lymphatic contractions Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 15, 14.30 BBB seminar Thomas Arnesen, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Combining basic and translational research - Experiences from the Bergen NAT-project Chairperson: Stein Ove Døskeland, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, March 22, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Aaron S. Meyer, Department of Bioengineering, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Engineering more precise and potent TAM-targeted therapies Chairperson: James B. Lorens, CCBIO |
Thursday, April 5, 14.30 BBB seminar Frédéric Saudou, Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences, University Grenoble Alpes and INSERM Research Center U1216, Grenoble and Grenoble University Hospital CHUGA, France Huntington's disease: from axonal transport to neurotrophin signaling and energy homeostasis Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 12 - Cancelled! BBB seminar Cecilie Bredrup, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen Corneal neovascularisation and skin inflammation – what can rare hereditary conditions teach us? Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 19, 14.30 BBB seminar Daniel Lafontaine, RNA Group, Department of Biology, Université de Sherbrooke, QC, Canada Metabolite sensing in the TPP riboswitch is modulated during transcription elongation Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, April 26, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Ian Mackenzie, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, UK Stem cell plasticity in head and neck cancers Chairperson: Anne Christine Johannessen, CCBIO |
Thursday, May 3, 14.30 BBB seminar Peter Rosenthal, Structural Biology of Cells and Viruses, Francis Crick Institute, London, UK Imaging virus and cell architecture by electron cryomicroscopy Chairperson: Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Tuesday, May 15, 14.30 - NB! Day, Auditorium 2 BBB seminar and Biokjemisk Kollokvium (NBS, Bergen Division) Greg Lemke, Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA TAM receptors in the brain Chairperson: James B. Lorens, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 24, 14.30 BBB seminar Hesso Farhan, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo Autoregulation of membrane trafficking by an ER-resident receptor tyrosine kinase Chairperson: Jaakko Saraste, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, May 31, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Pharmacological chaperoning: a potential treatment for genetic diseases, including some cancer syndromes Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 7, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Arvid Lundervold, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen Computational imaging and machine learning in biomedicine Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, June 14, 14.30 BBB seminar Jens Titze, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA, and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders Program, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore Increased salt consumption induces body water conservation and decreases fluid intake Chairperson: Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine |
Autumn 2017
Thursday, August 24, 14.30 BBB seminar Anders Tengholm, Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden Dynamic control of insulin secretion – a real-time view beneath the β-cell plasma membrane Chairperson: Marit Bakke, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, August 31 - No seminar |
Thursday, September 7, 14.30 BBB seminar Justin E. Molloy, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK Unpicking molecular machines using optical and magnetic tweezers Chairperson: Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 14, 14.30 BBB seminar Stefan Johansson, KGJ Center for Diabetes Research, KGJ Center for Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, and Center for Medical Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen Riding the wave of the genomics revolution Chairperson: Jan Haavik, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, September 21 - No seminar |
Thursday, September 28, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Nuno M. Coelho, Matrix Dynamics Group, University of Toronto, ON, Canada DDR1 expression, collagen-dependent activation and signaling in cancer and tissue fibrosis Chairperson: Marion Kusche-Gullberg, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 5, 14.30 BBB seminar Arild Rustan, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo Metabolic studies in human skeletal muscle cells - Are cultured human myotubes far from home? Chairperson: Karl Johan Tronstad, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 12, 14.30 BBB seminar Frank A. E. Kruyt, Department of Medical Oncology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands Stressing out glioblastoma cells: Endoplasmic reticulum stress and the unfolded protein response as targets for therapy Chairperson: Hrvoje Miletic, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 19, 14.30 BBB seminar Mathias Ziegler, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen New perspectives on the NAD metabolome Chairperson: Frode Berven, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, October 26, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Jan Jacob Schuringa, Department of Experimental Hematology, Cancer Research Centre Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands Towards identification and targeting of leukemic stem cells and (epi)genetically distinct subclones using humanized niche xenograft mouse models Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, CCBIO |
NB! Friday, November 3, 14.30, Auditorium 2 CCBIO seminar Rameen Beroukhim, Department of Medical Oncology and Department of Cancer Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Structural variations in the cancer genome Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 9, 14.30 BBB seminar Jarl Underhaug, Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen The Norwegian Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Platform Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, November 16, 14.30 BBB seminar Jørn V. Sagen, Hormone Laboratory, Bergen Stem Cell Consortium (BSCC), Haukeland University Hospital, and KG Jebsen Center for Diabetes Research and Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen Human brown fat and improvement in metabolic health Chairperson: Tilo Wolf Eichler, BSCC |
Thursday, November 23, 14.30 CCBIO seminar Satu Mustjoki, Hematology Research Unit Helsinki, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center, Finland Immunogenicity in hematological malignancies and immunological effects of targeted therapy Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, CCBIO |
Thursday, November 30, 14.30 BBB seminar Tine Veronica Karlsen, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen The skin as a player in salt-induced hypertension Chairperson: Meg Veruki, Department of Biomedicine |
Thursday, December 7, 14.30 BBB seminar Marco André Hirnstein, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of Bergen Transcranial brain stimulation in research, diagnostic and treatment Chairperson: Kenneth Hugdahl, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology |
Thursday, December 14, 14.30 BBB seminar Matthias Mack, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany 1) FMN riboswitches are not “alone”: The FMN riboswitch of Bacillus subtilis is controlled by the protein RibR 2) FMN riboswitches as targets for the antibiotic roseoflavin synthesized by Streptomyces davawensis Chairperson: Ruth Brenk, Department of Biomedicine |
Spring 2017
Thursday, January 12, 14.30 |
Thursday, January 19, 14.30 |
Thursday, January 26, 14.30 |
Thursday, February 2, 14.30 |
Thursday, February 9, 14.30 |
Thursday, February 16, 14.30 |
Thursday, February 23, 14.30 |
Thursday, March 2, 14.30 |
Thursday, March 9, 14.30 – NB! Room 9A109, 9th floor |
Thursday, March 16, 14.30 |
Thursday, March 23, 14.30 |
Thursday, March 30, 14.30 |
Thursday, April 6, 14.30 |
Thursday, April 20 - Postponed |
Thursday, April 27 - Cancelled |
Thursday, May 4, 14.30 |
Thursday, May 11, 14.30 |
Thursday, May 18, 14.30 |
Thursday, June 1, 14.30 |
Thursday, June 8, 14.30 - NB! Auditorium 2, BBB |
Thursday, June 15, 14.30 |
Archive (2003-2016)
List of speakers
Date | ||
A | ||
Aalten | Daan van | 04.10.2018 |
Adamska | Maja | 18.09.2008 |
Adamson | Roger H. | 16.08.2012 |
Ahel | Ivan | 05.12.2019 |
Airaksinen | Matti S. | 15.06.2015 |
Akslen | Lars A. | 29.08.2013 |
Aksnes | Henriette | 06.10.2022 |
Alitalo | Kari | 24.04.2008 21.11.2013 |
Amant | Frédéric | 29.11.2018 26.11.2020 |
Anderluh | Gregor | 29.11.2012 |
Andersen | Jan Terje | 25.01.2018 |
Andreassen | Ole A. | 27.01.2011 |
Angeletti | Ruth Hogue | 26.01.2004 |
Appel | Silke | 15.03.2007 |
Aragay | Anna M. | 02.06.2005 17.03.2011 |
Arendt-Nielsen | Lars | 03.02.2005 |
Arner | Emily N. | 25.11.2021 |
Arnesen | Thomas | 20.08.2009 15.03.2018 |
Arranz | Lorena | 30.04.2015 |
Aszodi | Attila | 28.10.2010 |
B | ||
Bagni | Claudia | 14.02.2013 |
Baguley | Bruce | 24.09.2015 23.08.2018 |
Baker | David | 02.12.2021 |
Baker | Suzanne J. | 19.04.2012 |
Bakke | Marit | 08.06.2006 23.10.2008 |
Bakke | Oddmund | 19.02.2004 |
Bakker | Barbara | 19.01.2016 |
Ballestrem | Christoph | 25.09.2008 |
Banker | Gary | 07.06.2007 |
Bankiewicz | Krystof | 31.03.2016 |
Barco | Angel | 09.06.2016 |
Barker | Thomas | 14.12.2023 |
Barnes | Carol A. | 11.06.2009 |
Barsnes | Harald | 03.06.2021 |
Barratt | Gillian | 10.09.2007 |
Bateman | Alex | 10.03.2011 |
Bates | David O. | 18.03.2004 |
Becker | Thomas | 26.08.2004 07.02.2008 |
Berezovsky | Igor N. | 10.11.2011 |
Berg | Bente Gunnveig | 03.10.2019 |
Berg | Hege F. | 26.08.2021 |
Berggreen | Ellen | 10.05.2012 |
Beroukhim | Rameen | 03.11.2017 20.02.2020 |
Berridge | Michael J. | 14.06.2012 |
Berven | Frode S. | 10.09.2009 |
Bewersdorf | Joerg | 03.11.2016 |
Bhakoo | Kishore | 05.06.2014 |
Bielenberg | Diane R. | 21.02.2019 22.02.2024 |
Billker | Oliver | 14.03.2024 |
Bindoff | Laurence | 04.02.2010 |
Birnir | Bryndis | 26.01.2012 |
Bischoff | Joyce | 24.09.2020 |
Bjerkvig | Rolf | 09.03.2006 20.08.2015 |
Björkegren | Johan | 02.09.2021 |
Björklund | Tomas | 02.03.2017 |
Blanchard | Anne | 26.05.2016 |
Blomhoff | Rune | 11.05.2006 |
Bogen | Bjarne | 29.10.2020 |
Bohr | Vilhelm A. | 15.11.2018 |
Bolstad | Anne Isine | 09.06.2005 |
Bornens | Michel | 27.04.2006 |
Borth | Nicole | 23.11.2006 |
Boucher | Yves | 10.09.2003 |
Bourdon | Jean-Christophe | 28.01.2016 |
Brakebusch | Cord | 11.12.2008 31.01.2019 |
Brakhage | Axel | 01.06.2023 |
Bramham | Clive R. | 26.02.2009 22.10.2020 |
Brastianos | Priscilla | 18.01.2018 |
Bredrup | Cecilie | 20.09.2018 |
Breivik | Jarle | 17.12.2015 |
Brenk | Ruth | 05.11.2015 |
Brokstad | Rebecca J. Cox | 16.04.2009 10.09.2020 |
Bruserud | Øystein | 16.03.2006 23.02.2017 |
Burkhardt | Pawel | 13.09.2018 19.10.2023 |
Böckers | Tobias M. | 06.04.2017 |
Bødtkjer | Donna Marie Briggs | 14.01.2016 |
Bøe | Stig-Ove | 14.10.2004 |
C | ||
Cairns | John | 22.01.2015 |
Cameron | Heather A. | 04.10.2012 |
Caplan | Michael | 10.06.2004 |
Carling | David | 04.05.2017 |
Case | David A. | 09.06.2011 |
Cattaneo | Antonino | 08.12.2022 |
Chang | Joan | 24.03.2022 |
Chatzigeorgiou | Marios | 18.05.2017 |
Chekenya Enger | Martha | 11.03.2010 |
Chen | Jianfeng | 28.05.2020 25.05.2023 |
Chera | Simona | 11.11.2021 |
Chiquet | Matthias | 08.10.2009 |
Chourrout | Daniel | 03.02.2022 |
Christensen | Geir | 11.10.2018 |
Christiaen | Lionel | 06.05.2021 |
Christoffersen | Thoralf | 31.03.2005 22.03.2012 |
Cimpan | Mihaela Roxana (Cancelled) | 15.02.2018 |
Cirelli | Chiara | 07.04.2014 |
Claesson-Welsh | Lena | 22.11.2012 |
Clark | Barbara J. | 16.12.2004 |
Clyne | Colin | 18.09.2014 |
Coelho | Nuno M. | 28.09.2017 |
Cohen | Sir Philip | 24.10.2016 |
Coleman | Michael | 23.09.2010 |
Collas | Philippe | 04.05.2006 |
Conde | João | 10.02.2022 |
Conti | Marco | 07.06.2012 |
Coorens | Tim | 15.12.2022 |
Correa | Sonia | 18.10.2018 |
Cossu | Giulio | 07.09.2006 |
Costea | Daniela Elena | 22.10.2009 07.11.2013 31.10.2019 |
Couchman | John R. | 15.05.2008 |
Couey | J. Jay | 14.04.2016 |
Crawford | Michael A. | 11.11.2003 |
Cukierman | Edna | 30.08.2018 |
Curry | Fitz-Roy E. | 29.04.2004 04.09.2014 |
D | ||
Dahlbäck | Björn | 16.06.2011 |
Dalen | Knut Tomas | 22.04.2021 |
Dalhus | Bjørn | 30.03.2017 |
Danbolt | Niels C. | 04.10.2007 |
Daubon | Thomas | 04.11.2021 |
Davis | Michael John | 08.03.2018 |
De Wever | Olivier | 29.05.2008 25.02.2016 |
Dedek | Karin | 23.05.2024 |
Delles | Christian | 19.01.2023 |
Deller | Thomas | 19.03.2009 |
Demo | Susan | 09.12.2005 |
Denk | Winfried | 15.06.2006 |
Derrick | Brian E. | 17.03.2005 |
Detmar | Michael | 16.10.2014 |
De Wever | Olivier | 25.02.2016 |
Dinger | Marcel | 23.10.2015 |
Dolan | Ray | 15.09.2003 |
D'Santos | Clive S. | 09.02.2006 30.04.2009 |
Duchen | Michael R. | 08.11.2007 |
Dumont | Jacques E. | 03.10.2003 |
Døskeland | Stein Ove | 13.10.2005 14.09.2006 12.02.2017 |
E | ||
Ebers | Georg | 08.09.2011 |
Eble | Johannes A. | 07.12.2006 30.01.2020 23.09.2021 |
Eckes | Beate | 26.11.2009 |
Eichler | Tilo Wolf | 04.02.2016 |
Eichmann | Anne | 02.05.2019 |
Emerson Jr. | Charles P. | 01.12.2005 |
Emptage | Nigel J. | 13.12.2007 |
Enger | Per Øyvind | 04.09.2008 24.10.2019 |
Engh | Richard Alan | 15.04.2010 07.04.2016 |
Eriksson | John | 16.11.2006 |
Erlandsen | Heidi | 13.01.2011 |
Ertsås | Henriette Christie | 01.09.2022 |
Espinosa | Alexander | 12.03.2015 |
F | ||
Fang | Evandro Fei | 10.12.2020 |
Faraone | Stephen V. | 16.06.2005 |
Farhan | Hesso | 24.05.2018 |
Farndale | Richard W. | 04.12.2008 |
Fendt | Sarah-Maria | 18.08.2022 |
Finkbeiner | Steven | 12.06.2008 |
Finocchiaro | Gaetano | 03.10.2013 |
Fisher | Edmond H. | 22.01.2004 |
Fjeld | Karianne | 05.02.2015 |
Fjose | Anders | 03.04.2008 |
Flatmark | Torgeir | 17.09.2009 |
Fluge | Øystein | 09.03.2017 |
Foss | Brynjar | 20.11.2014 |
Foss | Grethe S. | 06.02.2014 |
Fosse | Vibeke | 25.01.2024 |
Fredholm | Bertil B. | 18.03.2013 |
Frost | Petter | 08.09.2022 |
Frutos | Pablo García de | 01.09.2016 |
Fukami | Miriam H. | 01.09.2005 |
Fyhn | Marianne Hafting | 13.10.2016 |
G | ||
Gabra | Hani | 26.03.2015 |
Gaggioli | Cédric | 20.03.2014 |
García de Herreros | Antonio | 10.11.2005 |
Gerdes | Hans-Hermann | 04.11.2004 |
Gerdts | Eva | 17.09.2020 |
Gashev | Anatoliy A. | 15.09.2011 |
Ge | Gaoxiang | 28.03.2019 |
Georg | Dietmar | 13.10.2011 |
Giepmans | Ben N. G. | 25.10.2012 |
Gjertsen | Bjørn Tore | 11.11.2004 22.11.2007 28.11.2013 27.11.2014 26.01.2023 |
Gkogkas | Christos G. | 09.04.2015 |
Glover | Joel | 11.02.2010 |
Godfrey | Richard | 26.05.2016 |
Gogna | Rajan | 24.02.2022 |
Goksøyr | Anders | 17.01.2019 12.12.2019 |
Gómez-Moreno Calera | Carlos | 22.06.2005 |
Goodarzi | Hani | 09.06.2022 |
Gradin | Katarina | 15.04.2004 |
Greef | Jan van der | 11.10.2004 |
Greenberg | Michael E. | 06.09.2012 |
Grellscheid | Sushma Nagaraja | 05.09.2019 15.09.2022 |
Griffiths | Gareth | 27.09.2012 |
Gronenborn | Angela M. | 03.09.2003 30.05.2013 13.06.2019 |
Gruenberg | Jean | 30.09.2010 |
Gräslund | Astrid | 07.05.2009 |
Grønli | Janne | 03.11.2011 |
Gullberg | Donald | 01.04.2004 27.09.2007 17.01.2013 19.05.2022 24.11.2022 |
Gunning | Peter | 19.05.2011 |
Götte | Martin | 30.03.2023 |
H | ||
Hajjar | Katherine A. | 30.08.2012 |
Halberg | Nils | 17.11.2016 |
Halin | Cornelia | 26.02.2015 |
Hellsten | Ylva | 06.06.2024 |
Halskau | Øyvind | 03.06.2010 |
Halstensen | Alfred | 03.05.2007 |
Hanley | Neil A. | 27.05.2010 |
Hansen | Jacob B. | 09.02.2017 |
Hansen | Trond Vidar | 19.09.2019 |
Haraldsen | Guttorm | 19.06.2014 |
Haraldsson | Börje | 18.03.2010 25.09.2014 |
Harding | Cary O. | 05.03.2020 |
Harris | Helena Erlandsson | 29.09.2022 |
Harris | Kristen M. | 01.06.2012 |
Harvey | Robert J. | 06.06.2013 |
Hausen | Harald zur | 14.04.2011 |
Hausken | Trygve | 18.11.2021 |
Heckman | Caroline | 10.11.2016 |
Heijne | Gunnar von | 28.01.2010 |
Heiland | Dieter Henrik | 09.02.2023 |
Heimburg | Thomas | 18.05.2006 |
Heino | Jyrki | 22.09.2005 |
Hejnol | Andreas | 16.09.2010 |
Heldin | Carl-Henrik | 24.01.2008 |
Heljasvaara | Ritva | 27.08.2020 |
Hellsten | Ylva | 06.06.2024 |
Hendershot | Linda M. | 08.05.2008 |
Henderson | Neil C. | 28.05.2015 |
Henriksson | Marie Arsenian | 26.04.2007 |
Hensley | Kenneth | 18.02.2016 |
Hermanson | Ola | 06.04.2006 |
Hermoso | Juan A. | 09.08.2012 |
Herold-Mende | Christel | 23.01.2014 |
Hesketh | John E. | 23.10.2003 |
Hicke | Linda | 16.06.2005 |
Himmelreich | Uwe | 12.11.2015 |
Hinz | Boris | 16.12.2010 30.10.2014 |
Hirnstein | Marco André | 07.12.2017 |
Hogaboam | Cory M. | 09.05.2019 |
Holen | Torgeir | 14.02.2008 |
Holgersson | Jan | 30.11.2006 |
Holmdahl | Rikard | 18.12.2008 |
Holmsen | Holm | 18.10.2007 |
Hough | Edward | 09.10.2003 |
Hua | Hu | 03.12.2020 |
Huang | Huocong | 05.11.2020 |
Hugdahl | Kenneth | 03.03.2011 15.12.2016 |
Hultman | Christina | 06.02.2020 |
Hunter | Mandana | 27.01.2022 |
Husebye | Eystein | 02.11.2006 |
Huysseune | Ann | 09.05.2005 |
Høivik | Erling Andre | 18.08.2016 |
Håvik | Bjarte | 05.05.2011 |
Haavik | Jan | 20.04.2006 |
I | ||
Ikonen | Elina | 20.10.2011 |
Irish | Jonathan M. | 25.08.2016 |
Ivaska | Johanna | 03.12.2009 |
J | ||
Jacobs | Roland | 18.06.2013 |
James | David | 10.05.2007 |
Jansen | Eystein | 16.12.2021 |
Jeffery | Kathryn J. | 29.09.2011 |
Jensen | Torben Heick | 02.09.2004 |
Jiang | Di | 22.02.2007 |
Jog | Mandar S. | 28.08.2018 |
Johannessen | Anne Christine | 19.02.2015 |
Johansen | Terje | 30.09.2003 20.11.2008 18.03.2021 |
Johansson | Stefan | 14.09.2017 |
Johnson | Jane E. | 21.03.2019 |
Johnston | Iain | 07.11.2019 |
Jonassen | Anne K. | 25.01.2007 |
Jonassen | Inge | 28.08.2014 |
Jonsson | Roland | 28.02.2008 |
Joshi | Anagha | 24.01.2019 |
Jung | Manfred | 02.06.2022 |
Jurisch-Yaksi | Nathalie | 22.11.2018 |
Jäättelä | Marja | 05.10.2006 |
K | ||
Kadler | Karl | 26.09.2019 |
Kalland | Karl-Henning | 23.09.2004 18.02.2010 30.01.2014 |
Kaneko | Shin | 31.03.2022 |
Karlsen | Tine Veronica | 30.11.2017 |
Kass | George E.N. | 17.02.2005 |
Kellokumpu | Sakari | 04.12.2014 |
Kentros | Clifford | 07.05.2015 05.05.2022 |
Kerbel | Robert S. | 11.06.2015 |
Kerjaschki | Dontscho | 02.05.2013 |
Kettunen | Päivi | 05.12.2013 |
Kjellén | Lena | 10.03.2005 19.11.2009 |
Klebe | Gerhard | 01.06.2017 |
Kleinau | Sandra | 12.05.2011 |
Knappskog | Stian | 01.10.2020 |
Knower | Kevin | 15.03.2012 |
Koelsch | Stefan | 19.11.2015 |
Koeslag | Johan Hermanus | 23.01.2004 |
Kompus | Kristiina | 21.02.2013 |
Kontro | Mika | 21.03.2024 |
Koopman | Werner J. H. | 13.03.2008 19.12.2012 |
Kotaleski | Jeanette Hellgren | 11.12.2014 |
Krakstad | Camilla | 10.12.2015 |
Krammer | Florian | 22.08.2013 |
Krebs | Matthew G. | 15.10.2015 |
Kretsinger | Robert H. | 08.03.2005 |
Kristiansen | Karsten | 16.04.2004 |
Krokan | Hans Einar | 15.09.2005 15.09.2016 |
Kruyt | Frank A. E. | 12.10.2017 |
Kuhn | Michaela | 01.12.2011 |
Kuipers | Sjoukje | 17.02.2011 |
Kursula | Inari | 29.10.2015 |
Kursula | Petri | 19.03.2015 15.10.2020 |
Kusche-Gullberg | Marion | 02.12.2004 10.12.2009 |
Kvistad | Christopher Elnan | 23.11.2023 |
L | ||
LaBarge | Mark | 25.02.2021 |
Ladbury | John | 16.03.2023 |
Lafontaine | Daniel | 19.04.2018 |
Landegren | Ulf | 11.05.2017 |
Larsson | Lars-Gunnar | 25.03.2010 |
Lauffenburger | Douglas A. | 10.10.2019 |
Leask | Andrew | 08.04.2010 10.06.2021 |
Lehti | Kaisa | 17.02.2022 |
Leitges | Michael | 18.11.2010 |
Lemke | Greg | 15.05.2018 |
Lenhard | Boris | 13.09.2007 21.01.2010 |
Levick | J. Rodney | 05.02.2004 |
Lewis | Aurélia E. | 29.03.2012 |
Liberles | David A. | 09.11.2004 |
Liblau | Roland S. | 22.03.2004 |
Lillehaug | Johan R. | 27.10.2005 |
Lin | Biaoyang | 11.06.2020 |
Lin | Michael Z. | 20.09.2012 |
Lindahl | Ulf | 08.03.2007 |
Lindström | Linda | 27.04.2023 |
Link | Wolfgang | 06.03.2008 |
Lippincott-Schwartz | Jennifer | 30.05.2005 |
Lombardo | Dominique | 31.03.2011 |
Lord | Janet M. | 21.10.2004 |
Lorens | James | 07.04.2005 21.03.2013 26.05.2016 |
Luft | Friedrich C. | 12.06.2014 |
Lundervold | Arvid | 03.09.2009 16.01.2014 07.06.2018 |
Luppi | Pierre-Hervé | 28.04.2011 |
Lynagh | Timothy | 21.11.2019 |
Lærum | Ole Didrik | 12.09.2013 |
Lømo | Terje | 08.01.2004 |
M | ||
Machamer | Carolyn E. | 15.04.2021 |
Macias | Maria J | 13.04.2023 |
Mack | Matthias | 14.12.2017 |
Mackenzie | Ian | 26.04.2018 |
MacKintosh | Carol | 23.04.2009 17.12.2018 |
Maitland | Norman J. | 26.01.2017 |
Makinen | Taija | 09.02.2012 |
Mann | J. John | 15.11.2003 |
Marchini | Antonio | 20.07.2019 |
Marti | Hans-Peter | 27.03.2014 |
Martínez | Aurora | 28.04.2005 31.05.2018 |
Marwitz | Sebastian | 28.10.2021 |
Mathisen | Janne Sande | 13.12.2012 |
Matthews | Bruce | 09.10.2008 |
Matthews | Jason | 15.11.2012 03.09.2015 |
Mattick | John | 17.03.2009 |
Mayer | Bruce J. | 18.02.2021 |
Mayer | Ulrike | 20.10.2005 |
McCormack | Emmet | 21.10.2010 22.05.2014 30.09.2021 |
McCulloch | Christopher A. | 22.09.2016 |
McDonald | Donald M. | 10.09.2003 |
Medina | Milagros | 20.11.2003 |
Meister | Gunter | 16.12.2011 |
Melchior | Frauke | 28.09.2006 |
Mellgren | Gunnar | 28.10.2004 01.11.2018 |
Merry | Catherine | 25.04.2013 |
Meyer | Aaron S. | 22.03.2018 |
Michoel | Tom | 07.10.2021 |
Micklem | David | 01.10.2009 |
Micoulet | Alexandre | 05.02.2009 |
Miettinen | Markus | 01.12.2022 |
Mildvan | Albert | 25.08.2005 |
Miletic | Hrvoje | 08.05.2014 |
Milling | Simon | 23.03.2017 |
Mills | Ian | 29.04.2021 |
Modo | Mike | 01.11.2007 |
Moe | Elin | 22.05.2008 |
Molloy | Justin E. | 07.09.2017 |
Molven | Anders | 24.11.2005 |
Moore | Melissa J. | 10.04.2008 |
Morgans | Catherine W. | 23.04.2015 |
Mostue | Siver Andreas | 07.02.2019 |
Mourier | Arnaud | 11.03.2021 |
Muga | Arturo | 24.05.2012 |
Mulloy | James C. | 17.11.2011 |
Mustafa | Kamal Babikeir Eln | 12.04.2012 |
Mustjoki | Satu | 23.11.2017 |
Mydel | Piotr Mateusz | 11.02.2021 |
Myklebost | Ola | 06.10.2005 |
Myllyharju | Johanna | 14.01.2010 |
Müller | Dominik N. | 24.10.2013 |
Müller | Lutz P. | 17.03.2016 |
Müller | Margareta | 14.05.2009 |
N | ||
Nakano | Akihiko | 12.09.2019 |
Navab | Roya | 27.08.2015 |
Neher | Erwin | 26.05.2004 |
Nelsestuen | Gary L. | 03.11.2005 |
Niessen | Carien M. | 04.04.2013 |
Nieto | Angela | 24.04.2014 |
Nilsen | Frank | 24.11.2011 07.03.2019 |
Nilsen | Hilde | 31.01.2008 |
Nielsen | Torsten O. | 13.06.2022 |
Njølstad | Pål Rasmus | 16.02.2006 13.02.2020 |
Noël | Agnès | 11.04.2013 |
Nord | Magnus | 06.05.2004 |
Norheim | Ole Frithjof | 22.02.2018 |
O | ||
O'Farrell | Fergal Michael | 09.09.2021 |
Okuno | Hiroyuki | 22.08.2019 |
Olsen | Lisbeth C. | 09.12.2004 |
Olweus | Johanna | 11.10.2007 |
Ousdal | Olga Therese | 12.05.2022 |
Overall | Christopher M. | 02.06.2016 |
P | ||
Pabst | Georg | 11.05.2023 |
Parker | Keith L. | 26.09.2003 |
Parker | Peter | 29.10.2009 |
Peck | Ammon B. | 04.06.2009 |
Pepperkok | Rainer | 08.11.2012 |
Percipalle | Piergiorgio | 09.12.2010 |
Petersen | Steffen B. | 12.02.2004 |
Pihlajaniemi | Taina | 24.05.2007 |
Phillips | Joanna J. | 06.06.2019 |
Poellinger | Lorenz | 29.03.2007 |
Pohl | Ehmke | 21.04.2022 |
Priebe | Waldemar | 05.09.2013 |
Proud | Christopher | 06.11.2008 |
Prydz | Kristian | 25.10.2007 |
Puré | Ellen | 27.05.2021 |
R | ||
Rainey | Paul B. | 06.09.2018 |
Randolph | Gwendalyn | 16.06.2016 |
Rapoport | Tom | 01.10.2008 |
Raposo-Benedetti | Graça | 07.04.2011 |
Rauh | Daniel | 08.12.2016 |
Raunser | Stefan | 12.05.2016 |
Reed | Rolf Kåre | 15.02.2007 |
Rehmsmeier | Marc | 02.02.2012 |
Reif | Andreas | 10.06.2010 |
Rekdal | Øystein | 25.04.2019 |
Rentzsch | Fabian | 02.04.2009 |
Reuter | Nathalie | 19.02.2009 10.03.2022 |
Roepstorff | Peter | 29.09.2003 11.05.2004 |
Romaine | Andreas | 14.09.2023 |
Rose-John | Stefan | 10.09.2015 |
Rosen | Michael | 21.10.2021 |
Rosenthal | Peter | 03.05.2018 |
Rossignol | Rodrigue | 07.02.2013 |
Rotter | Varda | 21.08.2008 |
Ruas | Jorge Lira | 13.03.2014 |
Rubin | Kristofer | 29.11.2007 |
Rudolph | Karl Lenhard | 06.12.2018 |
Rustan | Arild | 05.10.2017 |
Rüegg | Curzio | 28.11.2019 |
Ræder | Helge | 02.02.2017 |
Röblitz | Susanna | 19.12.2019 |
Rönnstrand | Lars | 19.04.2007 |
S | ||
Salo | Tuula | 15.06.2023 |
Saarela | Janna | 14.11.2019 |
Sack | Michael N. | 22.03.2007 |
Sagen | Jørn V. | 16.11.2017 |
Sahai | Erik | 22.10.2015 |
Sakmann | Bert | 19.05.2005 |
Salhia | Bodour | 17.09.2015 |
Salo | Tuula | 15.06.2023 |
Salvesen | Helga B. | 08.03.2012 26.09.2013 |
Sandblad | Linda | 20.10.2022 |
Sandlie | Inger | 24.09.2009 |
Sandøy | Ingvild | 25.04.2024 |
Sannerud | Ragna | 23.08.2012 |
Saraste | Jaakko | 18.11.2004 22.01.2009 21.04.2016 03.09.2020 |
Saudou | Frédéric | 05.04.2018 |
Schaffer | David | 27.08.2009 |
Schallreuter | Karin U. | 23.05.2013 |
Scherer | Philipp | 20.10.2016 |
Schiller | Herbert B. | 29.09.2016 |
Schlichting | Ilme | 08.09.2016 |
Schubert | Timm | 14.10.2021 |
Schug | Alexander | 14.02.2019 |
Schuringa | Jan Jacob | 26.10.2017 |
Schöffski | Patrick | 26.11.2015 |
Schüler | Herwig | 03.03.2022 |
Sejersted | Ole M. | 06.11.2014 |
Seo | Hee-Chan | 26.03.2009 |
Sers | Christine | 07.04.2022 |
Seufferlein | Thomas | 15.10.2009 |
Sharp | Trevor | 17.04.2008 |
Shepherd | Jason D. | 17.03.2022 |
Sheppard | Dean | 11.09.2014 |
Sickmann | Albert | 21.05.2015 |
Sigvardsson | Mikael | 23.03.2006 |
Simons | Kai | 13.05.2015 |
Simonsen | Anne | 16.02.2017 |
Singh | Keshav K. | 06.05.2010 |
Sipilä | Kalle | 15.06.2017 |
Skarstein | Kathrine | 13.06.2013 |
Skeie | Bente Sandvei | 07.12.2023 |
Skjærven | Lars | 13.01.2014 |
Skrede | Silje | 12.11.2020 |
Skøtt | Ole | 05.11.2009 |
Skålhegg | Bjørn Steen | 27.02.2020 |
Sleeman | Jonathan P. | 29.09.2011 |
Slupphaug | Geir | 16.10.2008 |
Small | Donald M. | 23.03.2004 |
Smalås | Arne O. | 07.03.2013 |
Soldati-Favre | Dominique | 08.06.2017 |
Solaas | Karianne | 12.10.2006 |
Sorg | Christian | 24.02.2011 |
Spatz | Joachim P. | 12.12.2013 |
Specht | Karsten | 23.02.2012 |
Stallcup | Michael R. | 17.06.2005 |
Stanton | Patric K. | 20.05.2010 |
Starzinski-Powitz | Anna | 01.06.2006 |
Steen | Vidar M. | 21.09.2006 |
Steinmetz | Patrick R. H. | 08.10.2020 |
Stenmark | Harald | 04.11.2010 20.01.2015 |
Stenmark | Pål | 05.03.2015 |
Stevens | Raymond C. | 08.10.2015 |
St Johnston | Daniel | 26.05.2005 |
Strand | Roger | 20.02.2014 |
Stratton | Margaret | 10.12.2018 |
Straume | Oddbjørn | 31.10.2013 28.09.2023 |
Strehler | Emanuel E. | 17.10.2003 |
Strell | Carina | 25.08.2022 |
Strömblad | Staffan | 15.06.2007 27.09.2018 |
Stuhr | Linda Elin Birkhaug | 01.03.2018 |
Suster | Maximiliano L. | 06.03.2014 |
Swain | Amanda | 28.05.2009 |
Swartz | Melody A. | 26.01.2006 |
Sztul | Elizabeth S. | 29.04.2010 |
Sætrom | Pål | 20.09.2007 |
Sørlie | Therese | 20.08.2020 28.04.2022 |
T | ||
Tashiro | Ayumu | 16.02.2012 |
Tasken | Kjetil | 26.10.2006 |
Technau | Ulrich | 27.01.2005 |
Teigen | Knut | 27.03.2008 |
Tengholm | Anders | 01.09.2011 24.09.2017 |
Tenstad | Olav | 25.08.2011 |
Thedieck | Kathrin | 08.04.2021 |
Thiery | Jean Paul | 01.12.2016 17.12.2020 |
Thorsen | Frits Alan | 25.02.2010 14.03.2013 |
Thöny | Beat | 13.04.2005 04.04.2019 |
Timmusk | Tõnis | 09.10.2014 |
Tinhofer-Keilholz | Ingeborg | 27.10.2022 |
Titze | Jens | 09.09.2010 14.06.2018 |
Tononi | Guilio | 07.04.2014 |
Tooze | Sharon A. | 13.11.2014 |
Travé | Gilles | 04.03.2004 |
Trentani | Andrea | 06.12.2012 |
Treuter | Eckardt | 01.02.2007 |
Tronstad | Karl Johan | 02.02.2006 08.11.2018 |
Tsao | Ming-Sound | 12.04.2007 |
Tsygankov | Alexander | 10.02.2005 |
Tzoulis | Charalampos | 19.05.2016 10.11.2022 |
Tønjum | Tone | 17.10.2013 |
U | ||
Ueda | Minoru | 27.10.2011 |
Uhl | George | 10.04.2014 |
Underhaug | Jarl | 09.11.2017 |
Unsworth | Larry D. | 05.06.2008 |
V | ||
Vainio | Seppo J. | 15.01.2015 |
Valcourt | Ulrich | 04.06.2015 |
Valen | Eivind | 03.03.2016 04.03.2021 |
Vandekerckhove | Joël | 29.09.2003 |
Vattulainen | Ilpo | 03.12.2015 |
Vaudel | Marc | 11.02.2016 |
Vedeler | Anni | 15.12.2005 |
Vedeler | Christian A. | 19.01.2012 |
Veruki | Margaret Lin | 08.02.2007 |
Vikene | Kjetil | 16.09.2021 |
Viktorsson | Kristina | 21.01.2016 |
Vincent | Pierre | 24.11.2016 |
Viola | Antonella | 26.08.2010 |
Vita | Juan Rodríguez | 31.08.2023 |
Vizcaino | Juan Antonio | 03.11.2022 |
Vogel | Wolfgang | 19.10.2006 |
Vaage | John Torgils | 26.05.2016 |
W | ||
Walker | Ross C. | 24.01.2013 |
Walkinshaw | Malcolm | 17.06.2021 |
Wallace | Bonnie | 11.04.2019 |
Waschke | Jens | 23.10.2014 |
Watnick | Randolph | 25.03.2021 |
Weaver | Valerie M. | 23.05.2019 |
Weidinger | Gilbert | 14.11.2013 |
Wells | David G. | 29.09.2005 |
Wennerberg | Krister | 28.04.2016 |
Werb | Zena | 02.10.2014 |
Westerhausen | René | 13.09.2012 |
Wevers | Ron | 15.02.2024 |
Whitelaw | Murray L. | 15.12.2004 |
Whitlock | Jonathan | 17.11.2022 |
Wibrand | Karin | 16.04.2015 |
Wiig | Helge | 29.01.2009 01.02.2018 11.04.2024 |
Wilck | Nicola | 20.05.2021 |
Wilkie | Thomas | 14.03.2019 |
Wilmut | Ian | 16.05.2013 |
Wiman | Klas G. | 16.03.2017 |
Winberg | Jan-Olof | 11.09.2008 |
Winkler | Frank | 18.10.2012 |
Wisor | Jonathan | 16.05.2019 |
Witter | Menno P. | 06.12.2007 |
Wong | Erik | 12.04.2019 |
Y - Z | ||
Yaksi | Emre | 22.11.2018 |
Yeh | Hermes Hsiao-Mei | 10.03.2016 |
Ylä-Herttuala | Seppo | 09.12.2021 |
Yndestad | Synnøve | 20.06.2024 |
Yusupov | Marat | 30.10.2003 |
Yuzaki | Michisuke | 18.01.2024 |
Zastrow | Mark von | 11.11.2010 |
Zeltz | Cédric | 13.12.2018 |
Zhang | Hongyu | 17.08.2023 |
Ziegler | Mathias | 16.09.2004 26.04.2012 19.10.2017 |
Zuchero | Bradley | 09.11.2023 |
Ö - Å | ||
Östman | Arne | 07.10.2010 18.12.2014 25.10.2018 28.01.2021 26.10.2023 |
Aalen | Reidunn B. | 15.11.2007 |
Aalkjær | Christian | 06.10.2016 |
Åsjø | Birgitta | 31.01.2013 |
Aasland | Rein | 30.03.2006 06.10.2011 |
Next seminar
Thursday, March 13, 14:30
BBB seminar
Ilaria Testa, SciLife/KTH, Sweden
Caught in a moment: investigating the dynamics of proteins at the nanoscale
Chairperson: Clive Bramham, Department of Biomedicine
Scientific Committee
Harald Barsnes (Head)
Thomas Arnesen
Inari Kursula
Mathias Ziegler