Institutt for sammenliknende politikk


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Participated in the Norwegian Citizen Panel, won 25 000 kroner travel voucher

The second round of the Norwegian Citizen Panel recently ended, and a lucky participant has now won a 25 000 kroner travel voucher.

A Norwegian Citizen Panel participant has won a 25 000 kroner travel voucher
A participant in the second round of the Norwegian Citizen Panel has won a 25 000 kroner travel voucher


Winner nr. 2

Norwegian Citizen Panel founder Elisabeth Ivarsflaten recently called a participant in the first round of the panel and informed him that he had won a 25 000 kroner travel voucher.

The first round winner was a man from Hurum in the province of Buskerud. This time a participant from Skiptvet in the province of Østfold received the pleasant call from Ivarsflaten.

- She was thrilled!, Ivarsflaten says.


Round 3 in the fall

The Norwegian Citizen Panel is a new and Internet-based survey of Norwegians’ attitudes towards a variety of important societal issues. 25 000 Norwegians have been invited to give their opinion on trust and political participation, and climate, environment, diversity and welfare issues.

Round 1 was completed in November 2013, Round 2 in March this year. The third round will be conducted in October this year.


Read more about the Norwegian Citizen Panel here.