Development of a Platform for Deliberative Processes on Nanotechnology in the European Consumer Market (NANOPLAT)
Hovedideen bak dette EU-finansierte prosjektet under rammeprogrammet FP7 var å utvikle en plattform for deliberative prosesser om nanovitenskap og nanoteknologi (NS&T) i det europeiske forbrukermarkedet.
![Vegetables, organic food test strip and the title Nanoplat project](×tamp=1619174725)
Nanoetikk var ett av de fire temaområdene for UiBs satsing på nanovitenskap, og SVT var også ansvarlig for å undervise nanoetikk i UiBs studieprogrammer i nanoteknologi og nanovitenskap. Begrepet nanoteknologi brukes om en rekke ulike teknologier der vesentlige komponenter eller prosesser forekommer på nanometerskala. Forskningsområdet var organisert i separate forskningsprosjekter, hvorav ett av de viktigste var NANOPLAT.
Informasjon om prosjektet på engelsk:
The main idea behind this European (FP7 funded) project, which ran from 2008 to 2009, was to develop a platform for deliberative processes on Nano-science and Nano-technology (NS&T) in the European consumer market. The project concentrated on deliberative processes concerning human and environmental safety, ethical and moral dilemmas, and perceptions of risks and responsibilities as revealed through a focus on the market interfaces across the value chain of goods and services. That is, at the points of intersection between the sphere of production on the one hand and consumers on the other, where we believe research on the ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) of nanosciences and nanotechnology has to date been neglected. The project argued for the importance and relevance of this perspective within the development of deliberate democracy in Europe. The project was a support action, with the main goal to stimulate the deliberate dialogue in Europe and beyond, and give scientific support to the stakeholders responsible for this dialogue. Thus, the objectives were formulated in the following way:
- Evaluate selected deliberative processes in Europe, both at the EU and national level. These evaluations will have both a general NS&T perspective, but will concentrate on the value chain of consumer goods and services.
- Identify the needs and interests of relevant stakeholders along this value chain, especially focusing on producers, consumers, NGOs and the civil society.
- Develop a deliberative and science based platform for a stakeholder dialogue in Europe and beyond in this area. The main elements of the platform are:
- a) the content,
- b) the participants,
- c) the physical and technical solutions and arenas and
- d) the responsibility for a permanent platform.
- Formulate recommendations for research and political actions.
The work combined desk research, qualitative interviews and workshops to meet the challenges of these objectives, where the main task is to develop and sustain a deliberative platform.