
Utnytte eksisterende forskningsdata

Gjenbruk av eksisterende forskningsdata kan åpne for nyskapende forskning og er effektiv ressursbruk.

Dekorative illustration


Webinaret vil foregå på engelsk.

The volume of open data available to researchers is constantly increasing - including datasets in research repositories, public data, value added databases, digital archives and a wide range of data types. Taking advantage of these datasets as secondary data can avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts as well as inspire new avenues of research. For example, new questions or methods can be applied to a dataset, own data can be compared to existing data, or data from different studies or disciplines can be integrated.

This webinar will give an introduction to finding and reusing existing datasets as a resource for your research. The following aspects will be covered:

  • FAIR principles as prerequisites for data reuse
  • Data citation
  • Strategies to efficiently discover datases in your discipline