
Hands-On Data Management Planning

A data management plan (DMP) is both a formal document and a practical tool.

Dekorative illustration


Kurset holdes på engelsk.

A data management plan (DMP) is both a formal document and a practical tool. Both research funders and institutions require research projects to have a DMP. A DMP outlines how data is planned to be handled in the process of a research project, from data collection or re-use, through data processing and analysis, to data preservation and archiving.

This seminar will give an overview about the required content in a DMP and introduce useful resources. It will include a demonstration how the digital DMP tool FAIR Wizard can be used to generate and update DMPs - from the first draft to the version for project reporting. The tool allows to customize the DMP questionnaire to individual project needs.

Following the webinar (10:15-11:00), participants will have the opportunity to continue in a digital workshop where they can receive immediate support from data management experts while working on their own DMP (11:00-11:45).