Elektronisk labjournal – forbedrer arbeidsflyten på laboratoriet
Bli med oss i lunsjpausen og hør mer om mulighetene ved bruk av elektronisk labournal ved ulike institusjoner I Norge.

Seminaret blir holdt på engelsk.
About the topic
Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) are a digital alternative to the traditional paper-based lab notebook with enhanced functionalities. These include searchability, structuring and documenting experiments, co-authoring, access control, version control, addition of metadata, efficient use of protocols, etc. At NTNU and UiT, RSpace has been selected as the common solution for ELNs, whereas eLabJournals is used at UiO.
In this seminar, we have invited three speakers across universities in Norway. Based on their different roles and experiences, each speaker will provide their perspective on using ELNs in research and laboratory work, followed by a Q&A.
Invited speakers:
Emma Walton, senior adviser at NTNU University Library, will give an introduction to ELNs and talk about the implementation of RSpace at NTNU.
Samuel Konrad Regli, PhD candidate and Senior Engineer in the Catalysis Group at the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU, will talk about experiences with using RSpace in his research group.
Helene Knævelsrud, Associate Professor at the Institute of Basic Medical Science, the Faculty of Medicine, UiO, and leader of the Research group for Cell Stress and Cancer, will talk about her experiences with implementing ELabJournal in her research group.
Join the webinar and be part of the conversation!
How to join
The event is open to everybody and you can join online on Zoom (Zoom link here).