Forskningsgruppe for kulturelt mangfold i samfunn og arbeidsliv


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Research project

Peer provided psychological interventions for refugees


Norway faces a new wave of refugees, challenging an already overburdened healthcare system. Since 2023, the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) has been funding a project dedicated to developing mental health services tailored to the unique needs of newly arrived refugees. Over the next four years, this initiative will focus on evaluating and customizing Problem Management Plus (PM+) to align with the Norwegian context. PM+ is an intervention developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), designed to harness the strengths of refugees in providing psychosocial support to their fellow refugees. You can find more information about PM+ here: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-MSD-MER-16.2

Bergen and Fredrikstad are pioneering municipalities implementing this program in Norway. The ultimate goal is to seamlessly integrate PM+ into healthcare and social services, utilizing the resources within the refugee community. This integration aims to address the shortages in mental health care resources, reduce costs, and remove barriers to accessing mental health services when needed. By offering more research-based services, the project seeks to enhance the practical application of research and promote collaboration among municipalities in migration health. The project receives financial support from NFR's "Innovation in the Public Sector" program, with the Center for Migration Health at Bergen Kommune leading the initiative and UIB (SAW) serving as the research partner (see, https://semipeil.no/)