If the fire alarm is activated after normal working hours, leave the building immediately. There are no fire drills outside working hours, which means that leaving the building is especially important: this could be a real fire. While working outside normal working hours in any of the buildings equipped with a voice-based alarm (Biologen, 53A/B), listen to the content of the message and follow the instructions.
In case of a fire alarm outside normal working hours, the security guards will reach the main entrance within a short time. Report to the guards that you came out and follow their instructions. If no additional actions are required from you, go to the meeting point at the Propeller (between and Datablokk and VilVite) and wait until the situation is under control. Do not re-enter the building before you are explicitly told that it is safe to do so.
In the case of experiments that require people to work during night, a risk assessment must be made in advance. It must also be reported to EiA via Lydia so that the security guards know that there are people in the building through the night, and where they are.
In principle, it is not allowed to sleep in UiBs buildings. If you have an experiment with 24-hour follow-up, and it is planned to rest or sleep during the night, it should be organized so that two people are present at the same time. Then one person can lie down to rest while the other is awake, to take care of evacuation if necessary. If only one person is present at night, he or she cannot lie down to sleep, for safety reasons.