Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

News archive for Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

As part of an international consortium led by Yan Zhao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing), Vivian Felde and John Birks were involved in the publication of a detailed record of past vegetation and climate over the last 1.74 million years from the Tibetan Plateau.
Planteplankton og dyreplankton danner et av de viktigste grunnlag for livet på jorda.
På Day Zero av Bærekraftskonferansen i Bergen 2020 myldret det i Storelogen på Kvarteret med over 80 entusiastiske mennesker som kom for å diskutere Nordhordland UNESCO Biosfæreområde som en arena for bærekraftig utvikling. Den interaktive arbeidssmia ble arrangert av UNESCO Chair ved Universitetet i Bergen, den norske UNESCO-kommisjonen, Nordhordland UNESCO Biosfæreområde og det norske FN-... Read more
Mr. Wisarut Tukanghan, awarded Industry Grant by The Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), formerly known as the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) is on a 3 months research visit to BIO.
In her master thesis, Christine Tveiten Johansen, has studied how bisphenol compounds activate or inhibit estrogen receptor in Atlantic cod. She shows disturbing results of the substitute compounds can be more harmful that the known plastic additive bisphenol A.
During the last months I have been thinking about how to communicate my PhD project to the general public. As a scientist, I explain my work with graphs and figures. But a figure which is easy to understand to my colleagues or peer reviewers, will find it hard to attract the attention of someone outside science.
Mashzhan Akzhigit , PhD student and Musabekov Zhorabek, master student at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University make their first research visit to University of Bergen under the Eurasian Framework. Welcome!
Edoardo Mandolini, will work on his master thesis focussing on the anaerobic thermophilic bacterium Fervidobacterium pennivorans, named strain Ker, isolated from a terrestrial hot-spring in Tajikistan.
May 22 was an exciting day for students and staff at the Department of Biological Sciences, when the first Poster Symposium was arranged in Høyteknologisenteret.
Ms. Apinya Singkhala defended her PhD thesis, tilted Metagenomics and Isolation of Thermophilic Cellulase - producing Bacteria from Thermophilic High Solid Digestion Condition at the Department of Biology, Thaksin University in Thailand in May 2018. Congratulations!
Ms Srisuda Chaikitkaew has a Royal Golden Jubilee PhD scholarship awarded by the Thai Research Fund for a 10 month reseach visit to BIO.
Richard Payne, a former Marie Curie Fellow with EECRG in 2003, was killed climbing in the Himalaya
A unique course on SDG14 brings together student active learning and an interdisciplinary approach on how to engage with sustainability issues and how science can provide knowledge for a sustainable Ocean. We have produced three videos showing what makes the course special.
The dCod 1.0 project puts its marks on successful PRIMO 20 in Charleston, South Carolina
Jakhongir Alimov, is a master student at National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Ms. Munavvara Dhzuraeva, is a Phd student at the Biotechnology Center, Tajik National University, Tajikistan.
In 2019, the annual orchid festival at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew is devoted to Colombia.
Researcher Antonio Garcia-Moyano made a research visit to the Centre for Biocatalysis at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, hosted by Professor Jennifer Littlechild. Prof. Littlechild leads a group of experts in biochemistry and structural biology.
