Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

News archive for Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

We welcome you to attend the launch of CET - Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, a new initiative at the University of Bergen. The aim of CET is to provide new knowledge on societal pathways to climate and energy transformation. CET will be a hub for interdisciplinary research, with a basis in the social sciences.
At CET (Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation) there are two vacant positions for students. Scandinavian language skills required.
Håvard Haarstad is co-organising a new PhD course on Urban Transformations to be held at the University of Oslo this fall.
Centre for climate and energy transition is moving into new offices in the 6th floor of the Faculty of Social Sciences
The University of Bergen has now announced a new position as Energy Director, where an overall responsibility for managing the interdisciplinary focus area on climate and energy conversion will be the candidate's main task.
Jessica Jewell's project "Analyzing past and future energy industry contractions: Towards a better understanding of the flip-side of energy transitions" recently received funding through the Research Council of Norway's Programme of Climate Research (KLIMAFORSK). The project will run from 2017-2020.
