Best media science article 2020
UIB postdoctors Magnus Hoem Iversen and Erik Knudsen win award for best media science article using data collected through the Norwegian Citizen Panel.

Diploma for best scientific article 2020. Awarded by the Norwegian Society of Media Scientists (Norsk Medieforskerlag) to UIB postdoctors Magnus Hoem Iversen and Erik Knudsen.
Magnus Hoem Iversen
Main content
Updated: 27.10.2020 (First published: 26.10.2020)
The award was presented by the Norwegian Society of Media Scientists (Norsk Medieforskerlag) for an article entitled "When politicians go native: The consequences of political native advertising for citizens' trust in news" (published in Journalism). All articles authored by a Norwegian citizen and/or a person working at a Norwegian research institution was eligible for the prize, which was handed out for the first time ever this year. We congratulate Magnus and Erik on this fantastic achievement, and hope that our work will continue to facilitate top research in the future!