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Research Ethics Day at the University of Bergen

It is fundamental for a knowledge-based society that the research underpinning policy is trustworthy. It is thus crucial that research is conducted to the highest ethical standards. To increase awareness of the importance of research ethics at the University of Bergen, we have established an annual research ethics day. This year’s conference has the main theme of ‘Publishing and Co-authorship.’ We look forward to a day of meaningful discussion on this important topic.

Forskningsetisk Dag
Eivind Senneset, Kim. E. Andreassen

Main content



Moderator: Dag Stenvoll, Senior Adviser, UoB


Light breakfast buffet

10.00Introduction of today´s programme: Dag Stenvoll, Senior Adviser, UoB
10.05Welcome: Benedicte Carlsen, Vice Rector for Research and International Relations, UoB

Session 1: Scientific Publishing – A Changing Landscape

(This session will be in English)

Keynote: Federica Rosetta, Vice-President for Academic and Research Relations, EU, ELSEVIER

Title: Scholarly Communication: a changing landscape. Meeting new challenges in research integrity and publishing ethics.

The keynote will be followed by an on-stage interview by Marit Bakke, Vice Dean of Research, Faculty of Medicine, UiB, with:


Session 2: Research ethics in publishing

(This session will be in Norwegian)

In recent years, there have been several cases revealing that quality control does not always work, either because journals are not reputable or because researchers submitting articles violate research ethics standards. Examples include plagiarism, data fabrication, gift authorship, fake peer review, selective reporting, duplicate publication- and unethical collaboration.

Presentation by: Ragna Aarli, Vice Dean of Research, Faculty of Law, UoB
Title: But which violations of research ethics standards should we respond to, and how?

A conversation:


Session 3: Co-authorship: Rights and responsibilities

(This session will be in Norwegian)

What do the current guidelines and regulations say about the rights and responsibilities of a co-author?

There are both similarities and differences among the various academic traditions: medicine, natural sciences and technology, and social sciences, humanities, and law. What are the differences across disciplines?

Presentation byVidar Enebakk, Secretary, National Research Ethics Committees
Title: Research ethics and co-authorship

A conversation:

  • Vidar Enebakk, Secretary, National Research Ethics Committees
  • Nina Langeland, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UoB
  • Øyvind Frette, Vice Dean for Research and Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology, UoB

Session 4: Co-authorship between supervisor and PhD-student

(This session will be in English)

Good relations between supervisors and a PhD candidates are grounded in mutual respect and trust.
What are some of the common issues that arise between supervisors and PhD candidates regarding co-authorship?

A conversation:

15.00Closing remarks: Dag Stenvoll, Senior Adviser, UoB