Faculty of Law

News archive for Faculty of Law

The second week of November sees the faculty hosting a visit by a delegation of five prominent researchers from National Law University Dehli (NLUD) in India, headed by Vice Chancellor Professor Ranbir Singh.
The Faculty of Law offers American students study places that are combined with internships in Bergen to make the Faculty more attractive to American students.
International students will be better integrated with Norwegian students than previously, as the Faculty is making it compulsory for Norwegian students to take a course taught in English.
The Annual Public Procurement Conference organized by the Norwegian Complaints Board (“KOFA") was held on October 13th, 2015 in Bergen.
In relation to the bicentennial of the Supreme Court of Norway, the annual Rokkan Lecture was held this year by professor Lee Epstein.
Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui participates at UACES 45th Annual Conference
Professor Geoff Scott of Penn State University in the United States has very recently visited the faculty.
Four members of BECCLE represented our center at the 9th CLEEN Workshop organized this year by the Tilburg Law and Economics Center of the University of Tilburg, The Netherlands.
The Faculty of Law has appointed two new professors.
On Thursday 16 April the Faculty celebrated the reopening of the "Old Building", which has been totally refurbished.
Dragefjellet Centre of Learning and Communication will contribute to raising the quality of education and showcase the research activity at the faculty.
The Faculty of Law is introducing digital written examinations for several subjects this spring.
15 January the "International Day"-event was held at the Faculty of Law. Representatives of 30 universities in Europe, the USA and Australia met students interested in studying abroad.
Maja Janmyr has been granted a personal post doctoral scholarship from The Norwegian Research Council under the programme FRIPRO.
Research Fellow Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui and Albert Sánchez Graells, Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law, University of Leicester, have just completed a working paper on the new rules on centralisation and occasional procurement under articles 37-39 of Directive 2014/24.
