UiB Learning Lab

Request video production

In order to help you, we need some information about your project. Here you find guidance about what you should include in your request.

Main content

Even if you cannot answer all the questions below in detail, you should think through them before sending the request. In short, we need to know who is going to see the video, and why they are going to see it. In addition, we need some practical information about the project.

1. Purpose

What do you want to achieve with the production? Is it e.g. connected to a specific course, can the video be linked to specific learning objectives or activities, or will you present results of a research project? Perhaps you want to document fieldwork that will later be used in a video about the research project?

2. Target group

Who is the main target group for the production? Remember to focus on a specific target group, so the video hits where it should. The target group is usually given when it comes to a concrete course for students, but it is often less clear when it comes to research dissemination.

3. Message

What do you want to convey through this video? Which main points are most important to make clear?

4. Why do you want to use video?

Video is an audiovisual media with many educational possibilities, but there can often be alternatives that can be used in addition to or instead of a video. Why do you think video is best suited to achieve what you want?

5. Distribution

How would you like to publish the video? Which distribution channels have you envisioned using? 

6. Time perspective

When must the production be finished? And how much time do you have to devote to this project?