Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies

Support for research and externally funded projects at LLE

The aim of the Department of LLE is to offer good administrative support to those who wish to apply for externally funded projects. On this page you will find introductory information and contact persons for questions about announcements and application processes.

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Main content

Here you will find guidelines on what reserach funds you can apply for at LLE and information on the support you can get from the department, should you wish to apply to the Research Council of Norway (RCN) or the European Research Council (ERC). There is also information about some of the most important funding opportunities for young researchers such as PhD candidates and post doctoral fellows.

At the bottom of the page, you will find links to several of UiB's central websites with information about calls, funding opportunities, project types, scholarships and the like.

Research Funds at LLE 

LLE normally has three annual calls for local funds. One in early / mid-January and one towards the end of the spring semester. If there are funds left, there will also be an announcement in early September.

Research groups and individual researchers can apply for support for research trips, arranging scientific conferences and workshops, publishing and other research purposes. Information about deadlines and how the applications will be prioritized will be sent to everyone by e-mail by the Research Adviser.

Support for applicants to NRC and ERC

The department offers support and follows up those who wish to apply with annual seminars. Infromation will be sent out on e-mail.

Funding opportunities for young researchers

Some of the most important funding opportunities for young researchers are the Research Council of Norway (RCN), the European Research Council (ERC) and the EU's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) 

The Research council of Norway (RCN)

Researcher Project for Young Talents

Funding is intended to give talented young researchers under the age of 40 in all disciplines and research areas the opportunity to pursue their own research ideas and lead a research project. This call is targeted towards researchers in the early stages of their careers, 2–7 years after defence of an approved doctorate, who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of high scientific quality.

Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility

The purpose of this call is to increase international mobility and promote career development among researchers at an early stage in their careers, as well as to facilitate knowledge transfer to research groups in Norway. The call is targeted towards researchers at the post-doctoral level who are to spend two years at a research organisation abroad and the third year at a research organisation in Norway. Grant proposals will be accepted for projects within all disciplines and research areas.

The European Research Council (ERC)

Starting grant

Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD (Extensions are possible under certain circumstances — see the latest ERC Work Programme), a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal

The Norwegian Research Council offers support to those interested in applying for an ERC Starting grant. The Research Council's program for young research talents is also a good training arena for those who later apply for ERC. Several of those who have succeeded in ERC awards have previously received support from this program


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF)

MSCA-IF are fellowships for researchers who want to advance their careers with a stay abroad in Europe. The researcher stays at a European institution for 12-24 months. The EU finances the scheme with around two million kroner per scholarship.
