Core Facility for Metabolomics

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1. Bjørnsdottir S, Øksnes M, Isaksson M, Methlie P, Nilsen RM, Hustad S, Kämpe O, Hulting AL, Husebye ES, Løvås K, Nyström T, Bensing S. Circadian hormone profiles and insulin sensitivity in patients with Addison's disease: A comparison of continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion with conventional glucocorticoid replacement therapy. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2014.

2. Simunkova K, Løvås K, Øksnes M, Methlie P, Rostrup E, Jovanovic N, Nilsen RM, Hennø H, Tilseth M, Husebye ES. Effect of cortisol on physical exertion in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency. ENDO 2014, Chicago, USA.

3. Simunkova K, Løvås K, Øksnes M, Methlie P, Rostrup E, Jovanovic N, Nilsen RM, Hennø H, Tilseth M, Husebye ES. Adrenal medulla response to physical exertion in patients with primary adrenal failure. ENEA 2014, Sophia, Bulgaria.

4. Triebner K. Menopause is related to asthma: a Nordic cross-sectional survey (oral presentation). European Respiratory Society International Congress 2014 Munich, Germany.

5. Triebner K, Johanessen A, Puggini L, Benediktsdóttir B, Gíslason T, Wieslander G, Norbäck D, Jõgi R, Franklin K, Torén K, Schlünssen V, Holm M, Bråback L, Malinovschi A, Modig L, Forsberg B, Dratva J, Waatevik M, Skorge T, Bertelsen R, Saure E, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Svanes O, Zemp E, Omenaas E, Macsali F, Leynaert B, Jarvis D, Dharmage S, Svanes C, Janson C, Lindberg E, Hustad S, Real FG. Asthma risk increases when women become menopausal: a Northern European longitudinal survey (poster). European Respiratory Society International Congress 2014, Munich, Germany.

6. Kvarekvål T. Påvising av aminoglykosidresistens ved hjelp av massespektrometri: Utvikling av metode for deteksjon, stabilitet av aminoglykosid og molekylær karakterisering av teststammer. Mastergradsoppgåve i farmasi. Senter for farmasi og Klinisk institutt 2, Universitetet i Bergen 2014.

7. Øksnes M. Glucocorticoid Treatment and Quality of Life in Addison’s disease. University of Bergen, Norway 2014 [thesis].

8. Triebner K, Bifulco E, Real F, Hustad S. A sensitive method for estrogen profiling in human serum by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014, Wrocław, Poland. Endocrine Abstracts (2014) 35 P647.

9. Simunkova K, Duskova M, Krsek M, Hana V, Hill M, Kosak M, Jandikova H, Pospisilova H, Starka L. Cortisol metabolites response in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis tests. 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014, Wrocław, Poland. Endocrine Abstracts (2014) 35 P913.

10. Øksnes M, Björnsdottir S, Isaksson M, Methlie P, Carlsen S, Nilsen RM, Broman JE, Triebner K, Kämpe O, Hulting AL, Bensing S, Husebye ES, Løvås K. Continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion versus oral hydrocortisone replacement for treatment of Addison’s disease: a randomized clinical trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014;99:1665–74.



11. Bifulco E, Triebner K, Hustad S. Clinically important isobaric interferences in LC-MS/MS methods for steroid hormones. WCU Meeting, Vejle Hospital, Denmark, 4 November, 2013.

13. Triebner K, Bifulco E, Hustad S. G8Way: a flexible program for sample processing and LC-MS/MS method development (oral presentation). HNU meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. 25 September, 2013.

14. Øksnes M. Continous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion (CSHI) in Addison’s disease: effects on health related quality of life (oral presentation). ENDO2013, San Francisco, USA.

15. Øksnes M, Bjørnsdottir S, Isaksson M, Nilsen RM, Carlsen S, Kämpe O, Hulting A-L, Bensing S, Husebye ES, Løvås K. Continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion improves Quality of life in Addison’s disease (poster). ENDO2013, San Francisco, USA.

16. Øksnes M, Bjørnsdottir S, Isaksson M, Nilsen RM, Carlsen S, Kämpe O, Hulting A-L, Bensing S, Husebye ES, Løvås K. Continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion (CSHI) improves Quality-of-Life in Addison’s disease (poster). Endokrinologisk vintermøte, Trondheim, 6-8 March, 2013.



17. Bratlie M, Hagen IV, Helland A, Brattbak H-R, Mjøs SA, Halstensen A, Rosenlund G, Sveier H, Mellgren G, Gudbrandsen O. High fish intake may improve the leukocyte function and increase ω-3 fatty acid levels in leukocyte membrane (oral presentation). 10th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 3-5 June, 2012.