Politics and Governance
This page contains collections of links to online resources that could be useful to you. The page will be updated
Main content
Printed Books
The books in the Library Ground Floor are arranged to subject matter according to the Dewey Decimal Schedule. This means that the literature on any one reading list is not found in one place only. Most books will be found either in 302.35 (Organization theory), 320.6 (Public policy), in 351 - 354 (Public administration) or 658 (Business and management).
Elektronic Books
THe Bergen University Library provides several e-book collections:
Norwegian e-books are found at bokhylla.no
The science of administration equally covers the field of public administration, governance and policy as well as the leadership, management and organization in general. It is methodologically eclectic in the sense that choice of method depends on the object of inquiry.
Methods books can be found under the following shelfmarks:
Content, discourse analysis: | 300.14 |
Evaluation, research design: | 300.72 |
General and inclusive methods texts: | 300.721 |
Qualitative methods (e.g. action research, case-studies, interviews): | 300.722 |
Quantitive and comparative methods (e.g. survey design): | 300.723 |
Experimental and quasi-experimental methods: | 300.724 |
Statistical methods (STATA, SPSS): | 300.717 |
- Online methods database: Sage Research Methods Online
Encyclopedias and handbooks
- The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics
- The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations
- A Dictionary of African Politics
- A Dictionary of Gender Studies
- A Dictionary of Politics and International Relations in China
- A Dictionary of Politics and International Relations in India
- A Dictionary of Politics in the Middle East
- Encyclopedia Britannica Academic
- The encyclopedia of global human migration
- Encyclopedia of Law and Economics
- Encyclopedia of Social Measurement
- Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict
- The Encyclopedia of War
- Encyclopedia of Social Measurement
- Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies
- The Handbook of the Criminology of Terrorism
- Handbook of the Politics of China
- International encyclopedia of political science
- International Encyclopedia of Human geography
- The International Studies Encyclopedia
- Routledge Handbook of African Politics
- Routledge handbook of comparative political institutions
- Routledge Handbook of Politics in Asia
- The SAGE Handbook of Governance
- The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection
- Sosiologisk leksikon
- Statsvitenskapelig leksikon
- Store Norske Leksikon
- Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization
- Wiley‐Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements
No more than 3 % of the total sum of published knowlegde will ever be relvant to any one political scientist. Article searching is thus something of an "extreme sport" using a discovery tool like oria.no
All things considered the best international periodicals article database is the
The most comprehensive periodicals adatbase is the
- Web of Science. This database is severly biased against humanities and social sciences as well deficient in its standard of metadata compared to the IBSS.
If everything else fails (or if you are looking for "grey" - unpublished - material) use
The most comprehensive database available at the Bergen University Library is ProQuest containg articløe indexes, fulltext databases, newpapers and w-books.
In addition to disciplne specific collections on politics and sociology etc., it contains specialized databases such as:
ProQuest Health Management (helsepolitikk)
ProQuest Military Collection (tryggingspolitikk)
OxResearch (Daglige landanalyser)
Other databases of interest are:
PressDisplay - Internasjonale aviser
A comprehensive listing of all electronic resources avaialable in
Referencing and citing
The Search and Write website provides detailed advice and guidance on referencing and reference management. If you are in doubt, ask for help in the library.