University of Bergen Library


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Welcome to the Library for Social Sciences and Music's subject page for Sociology

The library is also called UBBSV or SV library. It has a book collection of 60,000 volumes in addition to periodicals, encyclopedias and master's theses. Online, the library offers around 200,000 electronic books and a ten-digit number of articles from journals, newspapers and encyclopedias. The reading room on the second floor is a learning center, not a quiet reading room. It exists to give bachelor students at SV-fak good workplaces with access to desktop computers, the books in the library, IT assistance and library staff who can help you find answers to any questions you may have.


Printed books

The books in the Library Ground Floor are arranged to subject matter according to the Dewey Decimal Schedule. Many relevant books for sociologists will be found on shelf 300 to 307. However, there is relevant literature in most main classes.

To find the number of the book you want to borrow, you can search in oria. You access Oria via the website of the University Library.


THe Bergen University Library provides several e-book collections:

Norwegian e-books are found at bokhylla.no

Methods books

Methods books can be found under the following shelfmarks:

  • Content, discourse analysis:300.14
  • Evaluation, research design: 300.72
  • General and inclusive methods texts:  300.721
  • Qualitative methods (e.g. action research, case-studies, interviews):300.722
  • Quantitive and comparative methods (e.g. survey design): 300.723
  • Experimental and quasi-experimental methods: 300.724
  • Statistical methods (STATA, SPSS): 300.717
  • Online methods database: Sage Research Methods Online



UiB subscribes to a number of journals, check BrowZine for an overview.

You can also check International Bibliography of the Social Sciences. that contains these peer-reviewed journals.

The most comprehensive periodicals adatbase is the

  • Web of ScienceThis database is severly biased against humanities and social sciences as well deficient in its standard of metadata compared to the IBSS.

If everything else fails (or if you are looking for "grey" - unpublished - material) use 

 Google Scholar. 

ProQuest Samfunnsvitskap