University of Bergen Library
Medical Library

Welcome to the Medical Library at UiB

Information about the library, opening hours and contact

Skranke ved Bibliotek for medisin
Elisabeth Ebner, UiB

Main content

The library offers:

  • Books and journals
  • Work areas with access to Wi-Fi and electricity
  • Course room with 24 computers (can be used as quiet work area)
  • Six group study rooms: These are now a part of UiB's system for room booking.
  • Help from librarians

You find us in the building for biological basal subjects (BBB)
We can help you finding your way around the library, with search for relevant literature, citing and referencing. You are welcome to ask us about borrowing and ordering books and articles.

Borrow books at the circulation desk or at the self-service by the library entrance. You can find your requested books at the self-service when they are ready for pick-up. 
More about borrowing books
Return books at the circulation desk or at the self-service, or at one of the library's return lockers (by the library main entrance and at the hospital's footbrigde to BBB).

Find books on the shelf

Printed books within medicine and dentistry are shelved according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) system. A combination of letters and numbers specifies the book's subject. The classes QS-QZ comprise preclinical sciences and W-WZ medicine and related subjects. Non-medical books are shelved according to a similar system (Library of Congress (LC)), with subject classes from A to Z. 

The books are shelved alphabetically from A to Q (LC) and from QS to WZ (NLM), and with an ascending numerical code. That means you will find books on the same subject next to each other.

On the book's spine: NLM-/LC-code + 3 letters (book's author or title)
On shelf side walls: Overview of the NLM-classes and their codes

This shelf list displays where the books are placed at the library.

If you are missing a relevant book in our collection, you can suggest it for purchase.

Overview of classes in the NLM system:

QS Human Anatomy

WJ Urogenital System
QT PhysiologyWK Endocrine System
QU Biochemistry. Cell Biology and GeneticsWL Nervous System
QV PharmacologyWM Psychiatry
QW Microbiology and ImmunologyWN Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging
QX ParasitologyWO Surgery
QY Clinical Laboratory PathologyWP Gynecology
QZ PathologyWQ Obstetrics
W General Medicine. Health ProfessionsWR Dermatology
WA Public HealthWS Pediatrics
WB Practice of MedicineWT Geriatrics. Chronic Disease
WC Communicable DiseasesWU Dentistry. Oral Surgery
WD Disorders of Systemic,Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.WV Otolaryngology
WE Musculoskeletal SystemWW Ophthalmology
WF Respiratory SystemWX Hospitals and Other Health Facilities
WG Cardiovascular SystemWY Nursing
WH Hemic and Lymphatic SystemsWZ History of Medicine. Medical Miscellany
WI Digestive System 

Help and guidance at the library

Can't find the literature you are looking for?
Do you have questions about EndNote or reference lists?

We can help you! Ask at the circulation desk, send an email or call 55 58 66 77.

It is also possible to book guidance sessions for literature search.
Read more about courses and guidance at the Medical Library

IT help

For questions or problems concerning software, printing or university IT equipment:

You can find useful IT-guides on the web page BRITA helps you.

Contact the IT department: