For researchers
About systematic reviews, literature search, publishing, data management and full text access
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The library can help you with
Access to articles and books
Find full text via subject databases and Oria:
PubMed and other databases must be accessed from the University Library's web pages to get easy access to the full text. Accessing a database via our webpages enables the UBB-button to be displayed beside the references in the database. The UBB button links to the full text of the reference via Oria.
In Oria, you will find the link to the full text of the publication in the section called "View Online".
If the full text link is not available, you can sign in to Oria and request the article:
Click "Sign in", choose "Feide" and use your UiB user name and password. More information is available on the Oria help pages for sign in and searching.
Due to copyright, requested article copies often have to be delivered physically. If you have an office address registered at the library we can send requested articles via internal mail. To request books or articles you must be registered as a library user or employee/student at UiB.
Access from home:
When working from home, you can connect to UiB's network by VPN.
Employees at Helse Bergen have to contact their IT department to set up a home office solution.
Purchase suggestions:
If you want to suggest books or journals, send a purchase request or contact us via
Guidance in literature search
When searching for literature for a scientific article, the library can give advice on
- relevant databases
- structured searching
- access to and ordering of literature
- reference management
Request an appointment with a librarian for literature search
You can find subject databases and advice for literature search on our page Find subject literature.
If you are conducting a systematic review, you can get support at the library.
Publishing and networking
For questions regarding publishing, contact the University Library via the email address
There are various services available that help to disseminate your research and get in contact with others in your research field. you can keep track of your research impact with the aid of statistics for viewing and downloading, citations and publications.
The University Library can offer you advice on improving your researcher visibility, bibliometric analyses and publishing statistics (in Norwegian).
Open access publishing contributes to the dissemination of your research results. Research financed with public funds shall be accessible to the public, according to the national guidelines for open access to research articles.
At the University of Bergem, researchers may apply for funding of article processing charges (APC) when publishing in Open Access journals.
Read more about the publishing service Bergen Open Access Publishing (BOAP)
and the Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA)
The University Library can give advice on