University of Bergen Library
Medical Library

Courses and guidance

Library courses and guidance for the Medical faculty and employees at Helse Bergen

Main content

The medical library offers courses for students as a part of their study program. 

We also offer courses open for registration to employees at the Faculty of Medicine and employees at Helse Bergen. In case a group of employees requires instruction beyond our course offer, it is possible to book a customized course or department visit. 

Employees can request a guidance session with a librarian for literature search to a specific project. The Medical Library offers consultations at the library and via Teams, Zoom, telephone or email.

Library courses in the curriculum

The medical library instructs students mainly in literature search, citing and reference management. The course content is adjusted to the study program and the subject's learning outcome.

Book a library course (for instructors)

Courses requiring registration

Course offer for autumn 2024:  

In the table below, you find the courses held in English. Switch to the Norwegian page version to see additional courses.


Date and time

Registration deadline

Introduction to Systematic reviews in
medicine and health sciences 
(in English, at the library)
2. October 2024
27. September 2024
Course registration
Search in PubMed & Embase
(in English, at the library)
23. October 2024
18. October 2024
Course registration
Introduction to EndNote (medicine
and health sciences) 
(in English, at the library)

30. October 2024 

25 October 2024
Course registration
Introduction to Zotero (medicine
and health sciences) (in English, zoom)

6. November 2024

1. November 2024
Course registration

Online courses

The Medical library offers also online courses. You can use them in self studies or as additional support to other library courses.   

  • Litteratursøk i medisinske databaser (UB MED 102)
    The course language is Norwegian, we work on translating the course to English.
    The course covers preparatory work before doing a literature search, and searching in the three big subject databases PubMed, Embase and Web of Science. The skills you learn are transferrable to other databases.
  • Student literature reviews in medicine and health sciences (UB MED 103)
    This course is intended for students in medicine and health sciences writing a literature review as their bachelor or master's thesis. It consists of different modules guiding you through the work with your literature review. The last module is designed for advisors.

Customized courses

If there is a demand at your department for a brush-up in literature searching techniques, reference management or if you want to get a quick overview over relevant databases for your subject, you can request a library course or meeting. 

Contact us by email to book a course that is customuzed to your needs. The required minimum number of participants for such a course is five.
We can book the library's course room or visit you at your department.

Individual guidance

The Medical library offers individual guidance mainly to PhD candidates and staff at the Medical faculty and the hospital 

Students have the possibility to attend courses in literature searching and reference management as a part of their study program. If you could not attend such a course, you may want to attend one of our open courses
Students asking for guidance in literature search by a librarian must first have tried to search on their own and send us their topic/research question, search strategy and information on which type of help is required in advance (appointments are limited to 45 min).

The medical library offers individual literature search guidance sessions for:

  • Systematic reviews
  • Clinical procedures
  • Mini-method evaluation
  • PhD theses
  • Scientific articles

Guidance for other purposes will be assessed individually.

NB: The Medical Library offers consultations at the library, via Teams, Zoom, telephone or email.

Request a meeting with a librarian