University of Bergen Library

New feature allows you to include or exclude full text matches from your search in Oria

Have you noticed that you get fewer results in Oria than before? We have recently adjusted the search, and the goal is to provide more precise and relevant results.

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Previously, Oria automatically searched within the available full text material. The results list included documents where the search matched with the full text rather than other indexed metadata elements. This usually led to large numbers of results, which were often not as relevant as one might wish. 

Now the full text search is disabled by default, and the goal is to provide more focused and precise results lists. However, you have an option to activate it manually if you need it, by using a new setting located under "Tweak my results" in the facet column to the right. This can be a good idea if you for example get very few search results and want to expand them.

Oria remembers your "Search in Full Text" slider setting and keeps it persistent for as long as the session lasts. If the Oria page reloads, the slider returns to its default setting.