Digital Zotero Workshop
Zotero is fully integrated with Google Docs, LibreOffice, and MS Word/PowerPoint. Join the course and learn how to best take advantage of the tool’s functionality.
Main content
The University Library invites you to a fully digital course on using Zotero (Zoom).
We offer a general introduction in the first hour so for new users. More experienced users that feel they know the basics can join us fr the second hour.
13:00 Introduction to Zotero
- Saving a reference in Zotero
- Importing from common sources
- Organizing your Zotero library
Reference types, proofreading
Search, duplicate removal - Zotero - Citing and writing
Defining reference styles, adding/editing references
Adding a reference list, removing formatting - Logon (For backup and sharing)
13:50 Break
14:00 More Zotero/New in Zotero 7.0
- Customizing the setup
- Finding workflow
- Creating groups and sharing content
- Synchronizing all or parts of the library
- More import methods
- Feeds from journals, search
- Retractionwatch
Please have Zotero installed on your computer before the course, so you can test functions and practice tasks. You will also need to have the Zotero Connector installed for your browser.
If at least one participant requests it, the course will be conducted in English.