University of Bergen Library

Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries

Writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) is a useful process for creating awareness and to support good data management routines in research projects, but can also be experienced as an administrative burden. Helpful guidance is essential. Our project created a comprehensive DMP support package with resources and guidance both for users and support personnel at Norwegian research institutions.

Main content

Archiving FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research data builds on good data managment practices already from project start. Researchers meet requirements for writing Data Managment Plans (DMP) to support good data management routines and prepare for archiving of FAIR research data for reuse in research and innovation.

The project Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries created comprehensive resources to support both researchers and staff in research support roles. It thereby followed up on the recommendations from a collaborative DMP project by the University libraries in Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø (Report published in December 2022: UB-BOTT-samarbeid om datahåndteringsplaner: kartlegging og anbefalinger).

In November 2024, the developed resources were launched: plan.research-data.no

Would you like to contribute?

We welcome testers of the DMP questionnaire and invite particularly researchers from disciplines with specific needs to get in touch.

All text resources are available under an open license and are maintained through an open contribution approach. We invite the research data community to contribute to the further development of the resources.


The one-year project is a collaboration between the University of Bergen, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the University of Oslo, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, PhD-On-Track and ELIXIR Norway. It is supported by the National Library of Norway starting October 2023: Project description in the project database of the National Library of Norway (in Norwegian).

Contributors: Jenny Ostrop (UiB), Illimar Rekand (UiB), Ingrid Heggland (NTNU), Svein Høier (NTNU), Lisbeth Jahren (NTNU), Live Håndlykken Kvale (UiO), Leif Longva (UiT), Ida Benedicte Juhasz (UiB, PhD-On-Track), Korbinian Bösl (UiB, ELIXIR Norway)

Project partner logos: UiB, NTNU, UiO, UiT, PhD-On-Track, ELIXIR-NO
UiB, NTNU, UiO, UiT, PhD-On-Track, ELIXIR-NO

Project presentations and outputs

  • plan.research-data.no

  • Mapping of DMP stakeholders and user needs in the project 'Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries'. Working paper. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10836868

  • NO-RDA Research Data Insider 05.04.2024 - Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries. Presentation. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10930053

  • Bibliotekenes nettverk for ph.d.-støtte nettverksseminar 26.04.2024 - Hvordan kan planlegging av datahåndtering bli en integrert del av forskningsprosessen? - presentasjon av prosjektet ‘DHP støttepakke’. Presentasjon.

  • Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries - feedback workshop 29.05.2024. Presentation. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11359230.

  • Datahåndteringsplaner: Støttepakke for norske UH-bibliotek - Oppsummering Innspillsverksted 29.05.2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11518316.

  • Kompetanse og kunnskapsdeling for forskningsdatastøtte i fagbibliotek - Presentasjon KORG-dagene 2024. Presentasjon. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11360974

  • Supporting resources for and conceptual reflections on data management planning in Norway. 19th Munin Conference Conference on Scholarly Publishing. Poster. Septentrio Conference Series. https://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/SCS/article/view/7791

  • Introducing the ‘Support Package for Data Management Plans for Norwegian Higher Education libraries’. 19th Munin Conference Conference on Scholarly Publishing. Workshop. Septentrio Conference Series. https://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/SCS/article/view/7790
  • DMP questionnaires (DSW Knowledge Model), archived version for public launch. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14210840