University of Bergen Library
The Digital Lab

Software Carpentry course in research computing skills: Shell, R and Python for reproducible analysis, Git

Tired of manually moving files? You want to be able to efficiently analyze data and create fancy plots? You want to learn programming but you do not know where to start? You would like to make your data analysis more reproducible? This is the course for you!

Tree hands holding different tools

Main content

This course will provide researchers with computational tools to address their research questions in new or more efficient and reproducible ways. The course is aimed at novices and no previous programming knowledge is required. The course follows the Software Carpentry teaching concept and lessons.

The course is hosted by the Centre for Digital Life Norway, ELIXIR-NorwayNRIS and the University of Bergen Library Digital Lab. It is open to all PhD students, postdocs and researchers. Participants connected to one of the hosting initatives will be given priority.

Course content

Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This course will cover the following lessons: Unix Shell, R for reproducible scientific analysis, Version Control with Git. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.

For a more detailed program, please visit the GitHub event page.


Please sign up using the registration link and include a short statement why you wish to participate in the Software Carpentry course. Participants connected to one of the hosting initatives will be given priority, beyond this participants will be accepted based on the order of sign-up. You will need to actively confirm you participation after the signup period, elsewise your spot will be offered to someone on the waiting list.

Participants are expected to attend all course days and install software in advance. Participation in the installation help session is strongly recommended.

The course will take place physically at the University of Bergen Library Digital Lab.

As of 27.02.24, we have a lot of registered participants. Anyone registering past this date will be placed on a waiting list, and will be contacted as soon as there is an open spot available. We will treat participants on the waiting list on a first come/first served-basis.


For questions or other inquiries, please contact: illimar.rekand@uib.no

The event can also be found in TeSS

Next carpentry

We have had many inquiries about if there will be another carpentry course in the autumn. We still cannot confirm that this will happen, but if you want to show your interest, you can register your email in this form, and we will get back to you when we know more