University of Bergen Library
Open science lunch

Publishing (dis)agreements

Join us in this Open Science Lunch session to hear about the work that is done to allow Norwegian researchers to read and to publish. What do libraries and publishers negotiate about on behalf of researchers and journals - and should researchers care?

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Open Science Lunch

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About the topic

Did you lose access to some journals this winter, or discovered that the publishing fee for your article was no longer covered by a publishing agreement? This is because the Norwegian library consortium has been renegotiating deals with the big publishers - with a long overtime. What is it that the two negotiating parts could not agree upon, and should researchers care about these points of discord?

In this installment of Open Science Lunch, Johanne Raade - head of the Norwegian negotiation council and library director at UiT The Arctic University of Norway - will give us some insight into what happens behind closed doors when libraries and publishers sit down to negotiate. What are the heaviest weighing arguments - and are they the same arguments that researchers and journal editors care the most about?

Johanne will reflect on fair pricing, quality, rights that researchers and their institutions should retain (but not always do) - and whether the negotiations are driving the publishing ecosystem in a desirable direction.

Join the webinar and be part of the conversation!


How to join

The event is open to everybody and you can join online on Zoom (Zoom link here).