University of Bergen Library
Library of the Grieg Academy

Library for music

En rad av musikknoter i sorte kassetter
Daniel Henry Øvrebø

Main content

Welcome to the subject pages for music!

The former library of the Grieg Academy is integrated into the Library for Social Sciences, Music and Psychology, and you find us at Fosswinckels gate 14.

On our shelves you will find literature for most subjects related to music: philosophy, history, musicology, pedagogy/education, music therapy, instruments and their technique, composition, and more. Our sheet music collection contains a wide variety of score, study scores, and performance material.

On this landing page I have compiled general useful resources for all students at the Grieg Academy. For more discipline-specific resources, follow these links:

Subject pages for music performance and composition

Subject pages for music therapy

Subject pages for musicology

Please note: The music collection (scores, sheet music, CDs and LPs) will have different opening hours starting from 15th of September:

  • Monday: 08:00-15:30
  • Tuesday: 08:30-18:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00-15:30
  • Thursday: 08:00-15:30
  • Friday: 08:00-15:30

Books and printed journals are otherwise available between 06:00-24:00 all week, accessible with your student card.