The University Gardens
Themed displays

1. Transition from the Southern Hemisphere

Epacris paludosa from Australia, Gaultheria pumila from Chile, Podocarpus from New Zealand...

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This area marks a transition from the collection of Southern Hemisphere trees and shrubs on the other side of the road.

The heathers have their center of diversity in South Africa, with around 700 species of Erica in the Cape Floristic Region. Unfortunately, there are only a few of those we can hope to have (under glass in the winter) at Milde.

A single individual of Epacris paludosa from Mt. Kosciuszko in SE Australia has survived in our collection, as have wild collected Chilean Gaultherias, including the tiny G. pumila.

In addition to heather and heather-like species and genera, we included some cold sensitive species that have the same growth requirements as heather. These include Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae; a conifer) from the South Island of New Zealand, Maytenus disticha (Celastraceae) and Myrteola nummularia (Myrtaceae) from Chile, which are also adapted to Southern Hemisphere montane/alpine heathland.

Back to the heather garden.