Forskningsgruppe for kulturelt mangfold i samfunn og arbeidsliv


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Strategy for the Society and Workplace Diversity Group


The Group’s ambition is to be an important player in the Norwegian and international scenes when it comes to basic and applied research on how society, organizations and individuals are impacted by forced and voluntary migration. We aim to contribute to a research-based knowledge platform that may be instrumental to tailor health- and social services to meet the needs of migrants- and refugees, and to promote productive and harmonious workplaces and societies.    

 In addition, the group seeks to contribute to psychological knowledge through comparative research globally, and humans in extreme environments. To achieve these goals and to elevate the significance of our research, the Group adopts a collaborative approach, engaging closely with stakeholders from the public and private sectors, humanitarian organizations, and user groups. Perhaps, as the only Research Group in Norway with focus on cultural diversity, we strategically aim to contribute to competence-building in the field through offering courses at different university levels, including the professional psychology program, focusing on topics related to migration, cross-cultural-, and environmental psychology. We further aim to continue being active in publishing scientific papers, (text) books and edited books chapters. It is imperative for our Group to actively engage in dissemination through various channels such as lectures, chronicles, social media posts, media interviews, and podcasts tailored to different target groups. By utilizing these diverse mediums, we aim to enhance the accessibility and impact of our work, fostering a more informed and engaged community. We have designed interactive training programs for leaders in culturally diverse workplaces and General Practitioners when working with migrants/refugees with mental health problems.

Recognizing the importance of external funding for sustained research and expertise, we strategically encourage both senior and junior members to seek international and national funding opportunities. A key focus is to prepare junior members to take research leadership roles by motivating their participation in research leadership programs offered at the faculty and university levels. All members are encouraged to think globally and contribute to the internationalization of the Group and the university. Our recruitment strategy is to ensure a diverse team, fostering a rich tapestry of perspectives. We strive to foster an inclusive and motivating work and learning environment that encourages academic creativity, originality, and innovation within the Group.