
The University Gardens

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Roses flowering in the Arboretum

The University Gardens are Bergen's three botanical gardens.

The Museum Garden is the tranquil extension to the University Museum's iconic Natural History building in the city centre, and the Arboretum and Botanical Garden occupy an area of stunning natural beauty 23 km south of Bergen centre at Milde.

The gardens staff includes horticulturalists and academics at the University of Bergen (UiB). We curate and develop the collections in support of active research projects at the University Museum, within, and outside UiB. We also maintain landcapes and plants for their own beauty, contribute to conservation efforts by special efforts with endangered species, and cultivate material for use in events, outreach, and teaching. You can find plants and information mapped in the collections on Garden Explorer.

Take a break to wander through the green haven of the Museum garden in the middle of the city and attend a lunchtime tour. Or come to Milde and experience nature, lose yourself in the maze at the Botanical Garden. Follow us on social media and watch out for our regular special events at all three gardens.

We are open to the visiting public all year round and without entrance fees.

In memorium
Bjarne (t.h.) og Iwona (bak) overrakte 1 mill. kr til grunnkapitalen i Arboretets Rhododendronfond. Sverre Spildo (t.v.) mottok som styreformann i Stiftelsen Det norske arboret


Bjarne Rieber was passionate about nature and gardens, dissemination of knowledge, and research. Stiftelsen Det norske arboret is very grateful for Bjarne Rieber and his family's commitment to the Arboretum at Milde.

Fire risk
ulovlig bål i Bergen botaniske hage

Heightened risk of fire in the gardens

Help us to secure the plant collections against fire during dry weather: don't barbecue

Oversiktsbilde fra hagen


Award is a tribute to the garden staff who have put their souls into planning, execution and care of the Museum Garden.

Helene Ødven

Helene Ødven appointed as new director of the Arboretum

Helene Ødven (49) has been appointed as director of Det norske arboretet at Milde. For the past 13 years, she has been the general manager of Bergen and Hordaland Turlag.

Threatened species
Wollemia nobilis potted plants in the University Gardens glasshouses

Global initiative to save the Wollemi pine

Critically Endangered ‘dinosaur trees’ arrive at University Gardens for international conservation effort

Cafe opening times

Icookkitchen (Botanic Garden): Open from 1. mai. Check the opening hours online at www.facebook.com/icookpopup

Blondehuset café (Arboretum): Opening hours Sundays 11-15. Open weekends in the summer season. https://www.facebook.com/blondehusetkafe

Godt Brød Museum Square (Muséhagen): Check the opening times online, at https://www.godtbrod.no/Bakeverksted/Museplassen