UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers
UiB Ferd

Contact or visit

We welcome feedback on activities organised by Ferd, as well as suggestions and requests for new offerings. You can contact the FERD career team by email, phone or by making an appointment for a career talk.

Main content

UiB Ferd has its premises at Langes gate 3, next to the University Museum and behind the statue of Christie, as seen in the photo to the right..

Career coversations take place at Langes gate 3, unless otherwise specifically agreed.

Courses organised by Ferd can take place at various locations,however, many courses are held on the ground floor of Nygårdsgaten 5. Check the course description!

Visiting address:
Langes gate 3, 5007 Bergen. Note: Entrance from Haakon Sheteligs plass.

Postal address:   
University of Bergen, Ferd Career Centre, P.O. Box 7850, N-5020 Bergen

Email:  ferd@uib.no

Phone: +47 99 51 85 40 (or +47 482 60 683)

Note: Do not send confidential or personal information via email unless you add extra security measures such as encrypted email attachments or password protection. Alternatively, you can share documents with one of us (sharing can only be done with individuals, not to email addresses like Ferd, UiB, etc.).

If you are trying to book an appointment but none of the available options suit you, please send us an email and let us know when you would like to come. This is a link to book an appointment with a career advisor.