UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers
Career - 25

Career Days 2025

UiB Career days for early-stage researchers from 8.-10. April 2025! UiB Ferd offer career development activities, seminars and talks related to various aspects of reflecting and preparing for the next career step.

Front page with text "Career Days 2025 April 8-10"
Mathilde ninette

Main content

The overarching theme for Career Days 2025 is careers after a Ph.D. or postdoc.

Most academics are good at managing uncertainty and short-term planning. We talk about resilience and coping strategies as we prepare for the next career step. However, it is possible to take action and put yourself in the driver's seat in your career development. During Career Days, you will have the chance to listen to renowned professors and researchers talk about the skills you possess with a Ph.D. There will also be workshops on career learning where you will learn how to reflect on career anchors and your strengths, and how to build a solid portfolio.

Most academics will experience the importance of external funding, and reading successful funding applications is one of the best ways to understand what funders appreciate. Reading sessions of funded projects are one of our most popular seminars.

There is no single right answer, so Career Days will offer career learning for many types of career paths. Check out the full program and register now!

Program (some changes might occure - follow for updates)

8. April

Storsalen NG5:

09:00-09:20 - Opening by rektor Margareth Hagen (tbc)

09:30 -11:30 - workshop "Practical Use of AI in Research" - Senior Adviser, support to externally funded research proposals, Cecilie Nordbotten

Language: English

12:00-14:00 - Live Mock Interview - Professor Laura Saetveit Miles interview a newly appointed associate professor. 

Language: English

Søndre Almenning NG5:

16:00-18:00 - Career Fair - company presentations, CV-clinic, food & mingling

Stands: PhD on track , drop-in CV feedback, one on one talk with companies

List of Companies: (coming)

9. April

Søndre Almenning NG5:

09:30-12:30 -  “How to make the most of the postdoc and navigate your career”, by Monika Janfelt  

A workshop on career development for postdocs only. NB! Only 25 seats! Register now! 

10. April

Babel Stuen:

08:30-10:00 - What language are you researching in? University library invites to a debate. A conversation about professional language and career development. How does learning and publishing in a language other than your mother tongue affect you and your research? Can language choices you make affect your career? 

Language: Norwegian

Søndre Almenning 1 NG5:

09:30-12:00 From Research to Academic StartUp

Curious about how to bring your research to life outside academia? This event provides a chance to explore just that. Through inspiring talks, hands-on activities, and networking, you’ll get a taste of what it takes to turn research into successful startups or commercial ventures. 

•    Introducing VIS & TILT: VIS’ brand-new entrepreneurship program for researchers. Tailored to provide researchers with entrepreneurial skills, expert advisory services and access to capital and networks. 
•    Inspirational talks: Showcasing the journey from academia to start-up. Speakers TBA.
•    Case work: Train your entrepreneurial mindset with real-life cases (and some just for fun). Or maybe you would like to share your own idea? Here is your chance! 

Alrekstad NG5:

10:00-11:30 - Psycologist at BHT Andreas Hillestad Schei teach us how to finalize your project and feeling good about yourself along the way. 

Søndre Almenning 1 NG5:

12:30-14:00 - PhD - the SuperNinjas of knowledge. In honour of the academic and transferable skills of PhDs, Head of Department of Information Science and Media Studies Marija Slavkovik & Research Adviser Knut Risnes at the same department wrote a heartfelt praise to the skills of early-stage researchers and PhD in particular in Khrono, the university paper. We all need to hear this story again, and we take the debate on what comes after a PhD? 

Language: English

Proposal Reading Sessions

Apply for grants, they say. Get funding and stay in academia, they say. But what does a grant application even look like? In these low key sessions successful grant holders have generously shared their funding applications, so that you can familiarize yourself with the proposal genre and the differences between some of the grants that target early career scientists. Some sessions will have introductions by former grant winners at UiB, but first and foremost this is a chance to sit down in peace and quiet to skim through different types of funding proposals.

Preregistration is required - Limites seats - register now

8. April 12:00-13:30 Proposal reading session (read only) - Søndre Allmenning 1 NG5

8. April 14:00-15:30 Proposal reading sessions with introduction MSCA-PF (Pierre Bigot) - Søndre Allmenning 1 NG5

9. April 10:15-12:00 Proposal reading session with introduction NFR FRIPRO (Franziska Görtler) - Aktivt rom 2, Thormøhlens gate 55

10. April 10:30-12:00 Proposal reading session with introduction Bergithe Oftedal (Grant winning researcher) - Søndre Allmenning 1, NG5

10. April 13:30-15:30 Proposal reading session - Drop-in. Nordre Allmenning 3, NG5

NB! All sessions have the same proposals available. Only the times, places and introductions are different.

Get up to date on early career funding opportunities

If you would like to prepare for the reading sessions or explore funding opportunities in general, we recommend the e-course Navigating the Research Funding Landscape, developed by Corina Guder at the Division of Research and Innovation at UiB.  

Take the course on My UiB: https://mitt.uib.no/enroll/63BXPX