UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers

Ferd Newsletter

The UiB Ferd newsletter has information about upcoming activities and courses under the auspices of the career centre. Sometimes it will also include other information that is relevant to the further career for early stage researchers.

Main content

About the newsletter

The newsletter is in digital format and it is free of charge.
It is scheduled to come out at the beginning of every month, with the exception of summer.
The newsletter is produced by the staff associated with the UiB Ferd career centre, with Head of Ferd Ellen Hagen as editor.

Subscribe to the newsletter

It is free of charge to receive Ferd Newsletter.
You can register as a recipient by filling in this form.

Change/terminate subscription

Send an email with title: newsletter subscription to ferd@uib.no
In the e-mail, write what you want changed, e.g. recipient email or from when you want to end the subscription

Tips and feedback for the newsletter

We welcome tips on what you think should be included in the newsletter, or feedback on newsletters that have been published.
Send an email with title: about newsletter to: ferd@uib.no

Previously published newsletter