Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

Master's students explain why they study system dynamics, what a master project in system dynamic could be, what valuable lessons they have learned and how they plan to use system dynamics after the studies.
We are delighted to welcome Kyle Marquardt as our new colleague at the department
Sampol scholars explore Denmark’s Inuit territory as it grapples with the prospect of statehood
Finally, we can arrange in-person PhD courses again! This week we are hosting a PhD course in “Topics in the Industrial Organization of Education Markets”.
Stipendiat Ingrid Ovidia er nylig valgt inn som medlem fra gruppe B (midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte) med virkning fra 1.8.2022 - 31.7.2023.
This year we have two submission deadlines in the spring semester for the master's thesis in geography (6 May and 1 August.), and one in the autumn semester (15 November).
On 3 May Sampol and Admorg jointly organised the seminar "Kappe – tips, tricks and experiences" for all interested PhD candidates at SV
The next course in the series of short courses in quantitative methods that the CORE research group organises will cover various questions and specification issues in multivariate analysis of pooled and panel data.
Join us in the celebration of this years' Holberg Prize Laureate, Nils Klim Prize Laureate and the Holberg Prize School Project winners. The 2022 Holberg Week takes place in Bergen and Oslo 7–10 June.
The CET Annual Report 2021 is now available for download. We are proud to share with you our activities and engagement in societal transformation from yet another pandemic year.
Senior Researcher Jenny Krutzinna proposes a new child-centric approach for determining the best interests of the child as an individual.
Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions for 2022-2023. Deadline 15 June, 2022.
How prepared are we to get correct information and be engaged when it is needed? Media professor Hallvard Moe has been awarded a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant to better understand citizen’s ability to get information and be engaged in democracy.
Congratulations to Devyn Remme who was awarded the prize for the most innovative master thesis in Human Geography for 2022!
Rune Søholt has started as a PhD candidate at the Media Poverty research project at NORCE lead by Torgeir Uberg Nærland.
PhD Candidate Randi Elisabeth Taxt presents her PhD Project.
Maria Faust, a doctoral candidate from University of Leipzig, visits the Media Use Research Group in March
Special issue in Digital Journalism: Advancing the Audience Turn in Journalism features articles from professor II Irene Costera Meijer, and professors Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne
