Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

Head of Department, Peter Andersen, summarize a special spring semester.
The project is a part of the new Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI)
We are pleased to share with you the CET Annual Report 2019. The centre keeps growing its activities, and in 2019 there were a good number of publications, including some high-impact journals. Read our highlights pamphlet below and download the full annual report.
20 students have submitted their theses this semester.
An indefatigable fieldworker and a firm critic of facile and commonsensical understandings of global phenomena, our own Prof. Bruce Kapferer turns 80 on 4 June 2020!
Over the last month, 16 students have participated in GEO316 Practical Skills in Remote Sensing.
Bergen Summer Research School opened 8 June with a record number of participants. Together with some of Bergen's best research milieus, they will explore how their research can contribute to solving global challenges. This year they meet online - watch the many public lectures on YouTube.
How will news stories be told with new technologies such as 360 degree video, virtual reality and augmented reality? What are the opportunities for new, groundbreaking stories, and what ethical issues are put into in flux? That is amongst the questions asked by researchers at the University of Bergen in new book by Routledge.
Urban population growth, internet shopping and demand for fast delivery services are increasing the amount of freight travelling through our cities. How we plan freight logistics is an important measure in creating sustainable cities.
The article reviews studies of online democracy in Norway and argues for a more nuanced theory.
Researching young men, gaming and identity
Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions. Deadline 20 June, 2020.
Professor Vigdis Broch-Due has been appointed to the board of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The term started on January 1. 2020, after nomination by the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters.
At a locked-down University of Bergen, staff and students are not able to access university campus. Teaching, science and administrative tasks are taking place online. In our absence the iconic drum Atingting from Ambrym island in Vanuatu stands lonely guard at the Department.
CET has adjusted to the new situation we are in and moved our weekly lunch seminars online. Connect with our network every Wednesday!
UiB professor Hakan G. Sicakkan’s newly launched project Protect will study refugees’ rights to international protection. A vital moment for projects like Protect, UN Refugee Agency says.
The Department of Geography at the University of Ghana and the Urban Enclaving Futures project arranged in February 2020 a successful public lecture at the Department of Geography and Resource Development.
