Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

The cutting-edge Urban Enclaving Futures project used its first workshop to define how research can bring in social, cultural, spatial and further dimensions moving beyond classic economic understandings of urban development.
Professor Bjørn Enge Bertelsen at the Department of Social Anthropology is co-editor on a newly published book. "Mozambique on the move" is a multi-disciplinary exploration of Mozambique’s contemporary and historical dynamics, bringing together scholars from across the globe.
CET has started a podcast - CET Klimasnakk (english: Climate talks). The first episode is a recording of a public conversation we had at Literaturhuset i Bergen the 13th of November.
Students in the Master in Media and Interaction Design programme at UiB in Media City Bergen presented their artificial speech prototypes. The result is: Robot Buddy, Easysleep, Masebotten and Albert the kitchen assistant.
The rule of building a perfect algorithm translates to a common experience of the real world: If you want something to be beautiful, it must handle complexity.
Exploring the potentials for an empirical, theoretical, and methodological cross-hatching of 'migration' and 'non-urban spaces.'
Engaged discussions about the usefulness of drawing on time and temporalities as analytical tools in migration studies at the IMISCOE conference in Barcelona, July 2018
A recent article in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, using data from the Norwegian Citizen Panel, suggests that people's decision about whether to vaccinate is influenced by concern for others. Thus, stressing the collective benefits of vaccination could increase the effectiveness of health campaigns.
PhD Candidate Randi Elisabeth Taxt presents her PhD Project.
CET is proud to announce its partnership in the newly established Norwegian centre for sustainable climate adaption (NorAdapt). The centre officially opened on the 7th of December and will assist society in tackling climate change.
The course “Discretion and Paternalism” is a unique opportunity for students interested in research on power, the welfare state and decision-making, says Professor Marit Skivenes.
For my master project I reconstructed the last 11,500 years worth of glacier and climate changes at a glacier complex called Sulitjelmaisen in the subarctic, focusing on the largest glacier called Salajekna.
Fulbright scholar Derek Lackaff is impressed with the facilities at Media City Bergen (MCB) and thinks that international exchange and knowledge-sharing are more important than ever.
On May 23, 2018 the first March / Olsen Honorary Lecture was held in the University Aula at the University of Bergen.
The Scandinavian countries offer the world’s most generous parental leave benefits. These policies aim both at helping mothers in the labor market, and at promoting infant well-being. But does it work?
Remote sensing and GIS are some of the most sought after skills in geography graduates, following demand from students, Gidske Andersen and Benjamin Robson are launching the first Remote Sensing course at the University of Bergen.
