University of Bergen Library
Collection and Projects

About Old Norwegian charters and seals

The Special Collections at the University of Bergen Library manage the second largest charter collection in Norway with approx. 1500 documents, including transcripts. This collection also contains the oldest complete description of a court case that we know of in Norway: the Aga charter (or 'Bleiediplomet') from 26 May 1293.

Foto av Aga-diplomet laget av skinn, fra år 1292.
Spesialsamlingene, Universitetet i Bergen

Main content

The Old Norwegian charter material has attracted the attention of researchers and librarians, which has also led to a complete catalog of the charter collection at the Manuscript and Rare Book Collection (ManLib) at the Special Collections. The collection is constantly being developed further, e.g. with digital revisions of the charter collection, or digitization of c aftharters after 1660.


This page presents several projects that started from 2019 onwards and which focus on the material found at ManLib. Since then, the charter material at the University of Bergen has been researched from various perspectives and is part of several projects with an emphasis on digital humanities.

New work on the Old Norwegian charter material at the University of Bergen has begun with cataloging work of the charter material at ManLib in 2019. This work was carried out under an agreement on compulsory work between Juliane Tiemann (at that time PhD scholar in Old Norse Philology) and  Alexandros Tsakos (academic director of the Manuscript and Rare Book Collection).

Based on this collaboration, extensive project work began on the basis of the Old Norwegian charters in this collection, which includes:

  • Collection of metadata
  • Coding of charter texts (xml transcriptions)
  • Digitization of seals
  • University course (which includes student contributions to research databases and publications)
  • Conference and event contributions on charter material/ongoing projects
  • Publications
  • National and international meetings and collaboration around charter work, databases and coding/transcriptions
  • Development work (digital solutions for making charter material available)
  • Project writing focusing on different aspects of charters